Custom MBeans

You can include MBeans to be rendered on the System resource page on the MSVE. You can add new entries or use the lookup server drop-down menu to query existing beans and select attributes.

  1. In the DC Profiles Menu, click Custom MBeans to display the Profile Custom MBean page.
  2. Use the following steps to manually add Custom MBeans to the managing server.
  3. Domain: Type the Domain name.
  4. Object Name; Type the MBean Object Name.
  5. Category: Type the unique Category Name (used by ITCAM).
  6. Select the Retrieve all Attributes check box if you want to add all attributes associated with the MBean.
  7. Attribute Name: Type the name of the attribute.
  8. Mapped Key Name: Type the unique key string to map the attribute (used by ITCAM).
  9. Object Name Pattern: Type the MBean pattern to search in the form.
  10. Click Add to add the MBean to the list.
To add MBeans from the Look up Server drop-down menu use the following steps:
  1. From the Look up Server drop-down menu, select the application server.
  2. From the Select MBean drop-down menu, select the MBean that you want to add.
  3. From the Select Attributes drop-down menu, select the attribute that you want to add.
  4. Click Apply to add the Custom MBeans to the list.
  5. From the Custom MBeans list, select the check boxes for the Custom MBeans that you want to add to the data collector profile.
  6. Click Apply then click Save.
  • To edit Custom MBeans from the Custom MBeans list, click the MBean Object name, make the necessary changes then click Apply and Save.
  • To delete Custom MBeans from the Custom MBeans list, select the check box. Then click Delete and then click Apply and Save to implement the changes.