Sample Request Mapper - mapRequest

public MappedRequest mapRequest(    java.lang.String servletClassName,                
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)

This stateless method translates a servlet classname and a URL into a MappedRequest object. Any RequestMapper class must attempt to execute this method as quickly as possible, because it lies directly in the path of the application server thread execution.

  • Parameters:
    • ServletClassName - the name of the ServletClass handling this request.
    • request - the HttpServletRequest object for this request.
  • Returns: An instance of MappedRequest indicating the DRS and CRS to be used by the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics system.

Request Mapper Example (1):

package com.cyanea.mapper;
public class MappedRequestExample implements MappedRequest {
    private String CRS;
    private String DRS;
    /** Creates a new instance of MappedRequestExample */
    public MappedRequestExample(String myCRS,String myDRS) {
        CRS = myCRS;
        DRS = myDRS;
    public String getCRS() {
        return CRS;
    public String getDRS() {
        return DRS;

Request Mapper Example (2):

package com.cyanea.mapper;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
public class RequestMapperExample implements RequestMapper {    
    /** static MappedRequest instance for welcome page requests
    private static final MappedRequest welcomeRequest;
    /** static MappedRequest instance for quote page requests
    private static final MappedRequest quoteRequest;
    /** static MappedRequest instance for buy page requests
    private static final MappedRequest buyRequest;
    /** static MappedRequest instance for sell page requests
    private static final MappedRequest sellRequest;
    /** static MappedRequest instance for portfolio page requests
    private static final MappedRequest portfolioRequest;
    /** static MappedRequest instance for account page requests
    private static final MappedRequest accountRequest;
    /** static MappedRequest instance for update page requests
    private static final MappedRequest updateRequest;
     * Static class variables are used to avoid continuous object creation
     * of redundant information on a per-client-request basis. An 
     * unsynchronized, read-only HashMap can also be used for looking up 
     * MappedRequest instances to gain a performance increase.
    static {
welcomeRequest   = new MappedRequestExample("Welcome Page","welcome");
quoteRequest     = new MappedRequestExample("quote","quote");
buyRequest       = new MappedRequestExample("trade","buy");
sellRequest      = new MappedRequestExample("trade","sell");
portfolioRequest = new MappedRequestExample("overview","portfolio");
accountRequest   = new MappedRequestExample("account","account");
updateRequest      = new MappedRequestExample("account","updateAccount");               
    /** Creates a new instance of RequestMapperExample */
    public RequestMapperExample() {
     * This example checks the HttpServletRequest object for the GET or POST 
     * parameter "map".  If the parameter "map" is not found, "action" is 
     * used. This "action" string, is then used to look up the corresponding 
     * MappedRequest object. If no MappedRequest object is found, a new 
     * object is created and returned.  This should be avoided, as it can be 
     * an expensive operation.
    public MappedRequest mapRequest(String servletClassName, 
HttpServletRequest request) {
        String action = request.getParameter("map");
            if ( action == null) {
                action = request.getParameter("action");
            if ( action == null )
                return welcomeRequest;
        /* A HashMap lookup could also be performed here instead of iterating
         * a list of string comparisons.  If a list of strings comparison are
         * used, it is desirable to list the most common action first.

        if ( "quote".equals(action) )
            return quoteRequest;
        else if ( "buy".equals(action) )
            return buyRequest;
        else if( "sell".equals(action) )
            return sellRequest;
        else if( "portfolio".equals(action) )
            return portfolioRequest;
        else if( "account".equals(action) )
            return accountRequest;
        else if( "updateAccount".equals(action) )
            return updateRequest;
            return new MappedRequestExample(action,action);