Viewing a stack trace

About this task

The Stack Trace page displays the sequence of method execution and in last-in first-out order. The last executed method displays first in the stack trace.

To view a stack trace:


  1. From the top navigation, click Problem Determination > JVM Thread Display.
    The JVM Thread Display Server selection page opens.
  2. Select a group and a server to view the running threads.
    The JVM Thread Display page opens all the top-level thread groups that are running in the selected server.
  3. Select and click a thread for detailed information.
    The Thread Properties table displays the detailed information of the thread that you selected.
  4. Click View Stack Trace
    The Stack Trace page opens.

    The stack trace shows the outstanding methods waiting to execute as a result of the request. This trace reports the data unfiltered, so you see every class. In a normal environment, a request executes quickly, so it might be difficult to catch a stack trace before completion.