Servlets/JSPs - Selected Enterprise Application workspace

This workspace displays performance statistics for Servlets/JSPs running in the given Enterprise Application.

This workspace displays data provided by the Servlets and JSPs - WebLogic attributes.

The predefined workspace contains the following items:

  • Worst Execution Times bar chart, which displays the worst amount of time the invocations of the servlet have executed for the interval since the previous sample
  • Servlets/JSPs - Selected Enterprise Application report, which displays performance information for servlets and JavaServer pages

Accessing the Servlets/JSPs - Selected Enterprise Application workspace

To access this workspace from theWeb Applications workspace in BEA WebLogic application server, use one of the following procedures:

  • From the web Applications report, right-click the link icon, and select Servlets/JSPs - Selected Enterprise Application.
  • From the Worst Response Times bar chart, the Most Popular web Applications bar chart, the Worst Error Rates bar chart, or the Worst Execution Time bar chart, right-click any bar and select Link To > Servlets/JSPs - Selected Enterprise Application.

For additional information, see: