Extreme Scale Catalog attributes

The Extreme Scale Catalog attributes provide information about the catalog service for the WebSphere® Extreme Scale grid.

The attributes within this group are used to build the Catalogs workspace.

Origin Node The server name subnode. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 32 characters.

Sample Date and Time The date and time at which the agent has collected this data. The valid format is a 16-character timestamp. For the STR and SCAN functions, the format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS; the following table shows the values contained in this character string:
Table 1. Format of the 16-character timestamp
Character String Meaning
MM Month
DD Day
YY Year
HH Hour
MM Minute
SS Second

Interval Time The length of the sample interval in seconds. The valid format is a positive integer.

Server Name The name of the catalog service. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 48 characters.

Host Name The host name where the catalog service is running. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 32 characters.

JMX URL The URL for the catalog service JMX connection. The valid format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 192 characters.

Grid Servers The combined number of grid processes (catalog services and container servers) running in the grid. The valid format is a positive integer. For WebSphere Extreme Scale 7.1 this attribute is collected from the server; for WebSphere Extreme Scale 6.1 and 7.0, the Agent calculates the value by tracking active catalog services in the grid.

Heart Beat Frequency Level The heart beat frequency level, as reported by the WebSphere Extreme Scale MBean. For WebSphere Extreme Scale 6.1 and 7.0, the valid values are TYPICAL,RELAXED and AGGRESSIVE. This information is not available for WebSphere Extreme Scale 7.1; for this version the value is always LEVEL_OFF.

Active Catalogs The number of active catalog service processes monitored in the grid, reported by WebSphere Extreme Scale 7.1 MBean or calculated by agent for back-level versions. The valid format is a positive integer. For WebSphere Extreme Scale 7.1 this attribute is collected from the server; for WebSphere Extreme Scale 6.1 and 7.0, the Agent calculates the value.

Quorum Catalogs The number of quorum catalog service processes monitored in the grid. The valid format is a positive integer. This information is only available for WebSphere Extreme Scale 7.1. In WebSphere Extreme Scale 6.1 and 7.0, ignore this value as the WebSphere Extreme Scale MBean does not provide the data.

Is Primary Whether this is the primary catalog service for workspace reports and situation formula checks. The valid values are YES and NO. The agent discovers the primary catalog service for the grid automatically; the catalog service configured in the agent might not be the primary service.
Attention: For WebSphere Extreme Scale 6.1, this field is set to YES for the randomly selected catalog service that the agent monitors.

Connection Status Agent connection status for the catalog service. The valid values are ONLINE and OFFLINE; if the value is OFFLINE, monitoring information might not be up to date.

Configuration Status Agent configuration status for the catalog service. The valid values are:
  • YES: this is the catalog service configured in the agent, using the WebSphere Extreme Scale configuration workspace.
  • NO: this catalog service was automatically discovered via the initially configured service. The agent discovers all catalog services in the grid node.
  • ERROR: the catalog service connection is not configured. When a zone node is created but not yet configured, or configured incorrectly, no monitoring is performed, but one row is available in the Catalog attributes table with Configuration Status set to ERROR.

Quorum Status Indicates the quorum status for the catalog service domain. The valid values are DISABLE, NORMAL, WAITING ,OVERRIDE, and INCONSISTENT. For WebSphere Extreme Scale 6.1 and 7.0 this attribute is collected from the server; for WebSphere Extreme Scale 7.1, the Agent calculates the value (DISABLE, NORMAL or WAITING).

Monitored Servers The number of container servers on this catalog service that are monitored by the agent. This can be less than the total number of servers on the catalog service; for example, if the catalog service includes servers in multiple zones, but only one zone is configured in the agent, only servers in that zone is included in this value. The valid format is a positive integer.