Setting up the subsystem without an IPL

You can set up an IBM Z® APM Connect IBM® MQ subsystem without the need of an IPL.

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the steps in Updating SYS1.PARMLIB members to ensure your changes persistent across the IPL.


  1. Verify whether the required modules are in the current LNKLST data sets.

    Use the following commands to check whether the required modules are already in the current LNKLST data sets.


    If the command output indicates that the modules are already in a LNKLST data set, but the data set is not the SMP/E target data set &shilev.SAGMMOD, ensure that the modules are identical to those in the SMP/E target data set. If they are not identical, perform the following tasks:

    1. Replace the modules in the data set that is displayed in the command output of the prior step with the ones in the SMP/E target data set.
    2. Issue the following command to build a new copy of all the library directory indexes for the complete set of data sets that are currently managed by library lookaside (LLA).

    If the modules are already in the current LNKLST data set, skip to step 3; otherwise, proceed to step 2.

  2. Update the LNKLST data sets.

    Update the LNKLST data sets with either of the following methods, depending on your preference:

    • Copy the required modules to a data set in the current LNKLST concatenation.
      1. Copy the load modules (AGMQSSIN and AGMQSTBX) to a data set in the current LNKLST concatenation. You can use the D PROG,LNKLST command to display the data sets in the current LNKLST.
      2. Issue the following command to build a new copy of all the library directory indexes for the complete set of data sets that are currently managed by library lookaside (LLA).
    • Define a new LNKLST, add the SMP/E target data set &shilev.SAGMMOD to this new data set, and activate the new LNKLST.
      1. Issue the following commands to define and activate a new LNKLST:
      2. Issue the following command to update the main scheduler address space to use the new LNKLST:
    Whichever method you choose, use the SETPROG LNKLST,TEST commands as described in step 1 to make sure that the modules can now be referenced through LNKLST concatenation.
  3. APF authorize the LNKLST data set.

    If the default LNKAUTH system parameter is taken (LNKAUTH=LNKLST) or is specified in the IEASYSxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library, you do not have to explicitly APF authorize a LNKLST data set.

    If LNKAUTH=APFTAB is specified in IEASYSxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library, a LNKLST data set must be explicitly APF-authorized. Use the following command to APF authorize the LNKLST data set that is used in previous steps:

    where dsname is the name of the LNKST data set that you choose in previous steps (either a data set in the current LNKLST or the SMP/E target data set), and volser is the serial number of the volume where the data set resides. If the data set is SMS-managed, use SMS instead of VOLUME specification.
    You can use the D PROG,APF command to verify whether the data set is now in the APF list.
  4. Use the following SETSSI command to define a IBM Z APM Connect IBM MQ Monitoring agent subsystem dynamically.
    After the subsystem is defined successfully, the AGMQS3000I message is written in the SYSLOG. You can look for this message to verify whether the subsystem is defined successfully.


For more information about the MVS™ commands that are presented in this section, see z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627.