AGMU Transaction

AGMU is a 3270-based utility transaction that you can use to change the processing status of CICS® TS Data Producer and turn certain options on and off.

You can directly enter the AGMU commands into a running CICS TS region from a CICS screen.

The Table 1 describes the available commands.

Table 1. AGMU commands
Command Description Note
AGMU Starts the API in the CICS region. The default is AGMU,START command.
AGMU,START Starts the API in the CICS region.  
AGMU,STOP Stops the API in the CICS region. This option stops the API in the CICS region by removing it completely.

A cycle of AGMU,STOP and AGMU or AGMU,START commands can be used to introduce new maintenance for the API without stopping the CICS region too.

AGMU,TRACE=ON Turns on CICS TS Data Producer internal tracing. When this option is on, tracing records are written to the CICS Auxiliary Trace data sets. CICS Auxiliary Trace must also be enabled separately. Use this option only when requested by IBM® Software Support.
AGMU,TRACE=OFF Turns off CICS TS Data Producer internal tracing.  
AGMU,SASNAME=xxxx Resets the MVS™ subsystem name for the Transactions Base subsystem on z/OS®.  
AGMU,FILTER=DTP,LIST Displays the DTP transactions defined for the CICS region to facilitate the transaction tracking of DTP type transactions.  
AGMU,FILTER=QUEUE,LIST Displays the MQ queue names defined for the CICS region to facilitate CICS to MQ to CICS transaction tracking.