Installing Z Common Data Provider

Install the Z Common Data Provider by using SMP/E. The installation instructions are in the Z Common Data Provider Program Directory.

Before you begin

Apply the Z Common Data Provider APAR OA63662/PTF UJ09384 for JDBC-DB2 support.
Review the conventions used in the Z Common Data Provider:
In the context of hlq.SHBOSAMP library, for example, hlq is the high-level qualifier of the SMP/E target data sets.

About this task

The Program Directory for Z Common Data Provider is available at

Table 1 lists the target libraries.
Table 1. Target libraries for Z Common Data Provider components
Component Target library
Configuration Tool
  • /usr/lpp/IBM/zcdp/v5r1m0/UI
  • hlq.SHBODEFS
  • hlq.SHBOSAMP
Data Streamer
  • /usr/lpp/IBM/zcdp/v5r1m0/DS
  • hlq.SHBOSAMP
System Data Engine
  • hlq.SHBOLLST
  • hlq.SHBOLOAD
  • hlq.SHBOLPA
  • hlq.SHBOSAMP