Updating to the latest version

Take the following steps to update from V6.1.0 fix pack 8 or higher to the latest version.

  1. Download 6.1.1-TIV-INSTANA-FP00007-cluster-amd64.tar.gz from IBM Fix Central or Download 6.1.1-TIV-INSTANA-FP00007-cluster-s390x.tar.gz from IBM Fix Central and move it to the desired installation location.

  2. Run the following command to extract it to a user-defined directory.

    tar -xf 6.1.1-TIV-INSTANA-FP00007-cluster-amd64.tar.gz


    tar -xf 6.1.1-TIV-INSTANA-FP00007-cluster-s390x.tar.gz

    After extraction, the following files are generated in the directory. All images within the images directory need to be added to the cluster's image registry.

    ├── production
    │  ├── helm-deployment
    │  │  ├── values.yaml
    │  │  ├── ioz-helm-chart-6.1.1-7.tgz
    │  ├── manifests-deployment
    │  │  ├── instana-exporter.yaml (Instana Use Only)
    │  │  ├── kafka.yaml
    │  │  ├── redis.yaml
    │  │  ├── transaction-processor.yaml
    ├── sandbox
    │  ├── deployZapmImagesAcrossCluster.sh
    │  ├── helm-deployment
    │  │  ├── values.yaml
    │  │  ├── ioz-helm-chart-6.1.1-7.tgz
    │  ├── manifests-deployment
    │  │  ├── instana-exporter.yaml (Instana Use Only)
    │  │  ├── kafka.yaml
    │  │  ├── redis.yaml
    │  │  ├── transaction-processor.yaml
    ├── images
    │  ├── zapm-instana-exporter+6.1.1-7.tar (Instana Use Only) 
    │  ├── kafka+3.7.0.tar
    │  ├── redis+6.2.14.tar
    │  ├── zapm-test+6.1.1-7.tar
    │  ├── zapm-transaction-processor+6.1.1-7.tar
    ├── saveZapmLogs.sh 
  3. Load each of the images within the images directory to the cluster's image registry.

  4. Configure the YAML files provided in the latest release. You can refer to the YAML files from your current installation and copy the values over to the new YAML files.

Note: Directly using the old YAML files will not function correctly and could lead to errors, as newer releases often introduce updates and additional fields.

If using the helm installation

Run the following command to update to the latest version:

helm upgrade --namespace <desired project or namespace> -f <values yaml> <name> <chart location>

Note: In the above command, ensure that the namespace and name provided match those used in your initial installation. Use the updated values.yaml file you previously configured, along with the helm chart named "ioz-helm-chart-6.1.1-7.tgz" (located at ./production/helm-deployment) from the latest installation package.

If successful, your cluster will shut down the existing installation and start all necessary containers for the latest version.

If using manual deployment

Use the new yaml files you configured from the latest installation package.

Once updated, run the following command to apply the update:

kubectl apply -f <directory location of deployment files>