Installing the Configuration Tool on z/OSMF
To install the Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool, you must log in to the IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF), and import the file.
Before you begin
Before you install the Configuration Tool, the following tasks must be complete:
- Z Common Data Provider is installed, and all SMP/E tasks are complete.
- z/OSMF is installed, configured,
and running. Tip: z/OSMF is running if the started tasks CFZCIM, IZUANG1, and IZUSVR1 are active.
- The working directory for the Configuration Tool must be set up. For more information, see Setting up a working directory for the Configuration Tool.
About this task
To install the Configuration Tool, you must be logged in to z/OSMF with a TSO user ID that is in z/OSMF administrator group 1, which is the UNIX group to which z/OSMF administrators are added. By default, z/OSMF administrator group 1 is IZUADMIN.
To install the Configuration Tool, complete the following steps: