Configuring Z APM Connect CICS TS Data Producer for Long Running CICS transaction

You can edit the AGMSYSIN parameter data set to enable the CICS TS data producer to generate tracing spans for a Long Running CICS transaction at SYNCPOINT.

About this task

With APAR OA66309, support is added for CICS long running transaction consuming MQ messages (using MQGET) to generate tracing spans immediately after the first SYNCPOINT. For example, for the below flow:

Loop: MQGET-> Call downstream CICS transaction/program->MQPUT->SYNCPOINT-> Go to Loop.

It involves retrieving a message using MQGET, processing it with a downstream CICS transaction/program, putting the processed message back with MQPUT, executing SYNCPOINT, and then repeating the process.

The tracing span will be generated immediately after the SYNCPOINT, as opposed to generating the spans during the next MQGET. This is controlled by an optional flag in the CICS interceptor.


Modify the AGMSYSIN parameter data set, which is used for configuring CICS TS Data Producer, with the new TYPE=L parameter as shown below.
Option Description
TYPE=L,LONGRUNNINGMQ=YES Transactions events are generated at SYNCPOINT
Note: If you have MNSYNC=YES set in the CICS SIP, do not use LONGRUNNINGMQ=YES.
TYPE=L,LONGRUNNINGMQ=NO Transactions events are generated upon the next successful MQGET (default)