Configuring secure communications between z/OS components and Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway Linux machine

If you install the Z APM Connect DG with Docker standalone, you can secure connection between the Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway (Z APM Connect DG) Machine on Linux® and the various components on z/OS® that communicate to it by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS, sometimes called SSL) protocol.

A complete configuration example is provided to enable secure communications between the Z APM Connect DG machine and MVS host, using RACF as the Security Server. For more information, see (Docker) Security enablement example.

1. Importing certificates on the Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway machine

2. Creating a key ring and certificate on z/OS components

3. Transferring certificates from Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway machine to z/OS components machine

4. Updating the policy agent (PAGENT) AT-TLS policy

5. Updating the Linux truststore

6. Recycle the Z APM Connect DG

7. Refresh or recycle the PAGENT address space

1. Importing certificates on the Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway machine


The Z APM Connect DG machine on Linux serve as the TLS server. To set up security for this Linux machine, use the ./zapmctl configure security command.

  1. Switch to the installation directory <install-dir> and run ./zapmctl configure security. The <install-dir> path is the location where the fix pack tar file is extracted.
  2. Respond with 1 to import matching keystores and truststores.

    It imports those certificate files into a directory <install-dir>/certs that is accessible to Z APM Connect.

    Z APM Connect supports only the Java™ KeyStores (JKS) keystore type to be used as keystores and truststores. A keystore contains personal certificates and a truststore contains CA certificates which the endpoint trusts.

    RSA certificates with keys of 2048 bits or more or Elliptic Curve (ECDSA) certificates with keys of 256 bits or more are recommended.

    1. Enter the filepath to Kafka truststore.
    2. Enter the filepath to Kafka keystore.
    3. Enter the filepath to Connection Manager truststore.
    4. Enter the filepath to Connection Manager keystore.
    When the Import complete. is prompted, you successfully imported all the necessary truststores and keystores.
  3. Restart Z APM Connect DG by first running the sudo ./zapmctl stop command and then run the sudo ./zapmctl start command.
    After you import certificates on the Z APM Connect DG machine, create a key ring and a certificate on the z/OS components.

2. Creating a key ring and certificate on z/OS components

About this task

The z/OS components machine serves as the TLS client. For each started task that generates transactional tracking information, additional security setup is needed.

The started tasks include the Z APM Connect Base proc (AGMAPROC by default), and may include the z/OS Connect EE server or CICS® TG server, depending on the type of transactions to be tracked. The user ID under which each started task runs must have a key ring that contains its personal certificate and private key, its own trust chain, and, if the server certificate is signed by a different authority, the server's CA certificate.


In the following command examples:

  • RACF® commands are used to create a key ring. For more information about RACF command, see RACF command syntax.
  • IBMUSER owns the proc.
  • Commands use a key ring owned by IBMUSER. For more information about creating a key ring, see RACDCERT ADDRING.
  • - is the continuation character.

  1. Create an internal certificate-authority (CA) certificate and refresh.
    RACDCERT CERTAUTH GENCERT                              -
       SUBJECTSDN(O('<organization name>')                 -
                  OU('<organizational unit name>')         -
                   C('<country>'))                         -
                   KEYUSAGE(CERTSIGN)                      -
                   WITHLABEL('<Internal CA Name>'))
  2. Create a personal certificate for the proc owner.
    RACDCERT ID(IBMUSER) GENCERT SUBJECTSDN(CN('<common name>')                                                   -
    								      O('<organization name>')                -
    									  OU('<organizational unit name>')    -
    									  C('<country>'))                     -
    					WITHLABEL('<IBMUSER Personal Certificate name>')                      -
    					SIGNWITH(CERTAUTH LABEL('<Internal CA Name>'))
  3. Create a key ring and add the new certificates.
    RACDCERT ID(IBMUSER) ADDRING(<keyring name>)
    RACDCERT ID(IBMUSER) CONNECT(CERTAUTH                                   -
                               LABEL('<Internal CA Name>')                  -
                               RING(<keyring name>)                         -
    RACDCERT ID(IBMUSER) CONNECT(ID(IBMUSER)                                -
                               LABEL('<IBMUSER Personal Certificate name>') -
                               RING(<keyring name>)                         -
                               DEFAULT                                      -

3. Transferring certificates from Z APM Connect Distributed Gateway machine to z/OS components machine


  1. Use the ASCII transfer mode to FTP the zapm.crt certificate to the client.
    The zapm.crt file is a root CA certificate. It is recommended to use your company's approved certificate.
  2. Add the zapm.crt certificate to z/OS components machine and connect the zapm.crt certificate to a key ring.
    In the following command examples:
    • - is the continuation character.
    • dsn_name is the data set name that contains the root CA certificate.
    • WITHLABEL('<label>') is optional. The label should be unique, if used.
    • IBMUSER owns the proc. This following command example uses a <keyring name> owned by IBMUSER. For more information about creating a key ring, see RACDCERT ADDRING.
                               RING(<keyring name>)                -

4. Updating the policy agent (PAGENT) AT-TLS policy

About this task

In the PAGENT AT-TLS policy, the TTLSEnvironmentAction needs to be updated to reference the key ring.

The TTLSRule needs to reference the IP Address of the Linux machine on which Z APM Connect is installed and the port to be used. The port for the CICS TG and z/OS Connect EE Server is 30090 and the port for the Z APM Connect Base is 30455.

The PAGENT proc needs to be restarted or refreshed to implement these changes.


Policy agent configuration file:

TTLSRule                     <TTLS rule Name>
    RemotePortRange          <port>
    RemoteAddr               <ip addr>
    Direction                Outbound
    TTLSGroupActionRef       <Grp Action name>
    TTLSEnvironmentActionRef <Env Action name>
TTLSEnvironmentAction        <Env Action name>
    HandshakeRole            Client
        Keyring <user ID>/<keyring name>


TTLSGroupAction               <Grp Action name>                            

5. Updating the Linux truststore


Export the z/OS personal certificate for the key ring's owning user ID and add it to the Linux truststore.

  1. Export the personal certificate of the z/OS components.
    RACDCERT CERTAUTH EXPORT(LABEL('<unique name>')) DSN('<dsn_export>')
  2. Add the exported certificate to the existing truststore on the Linux machine where Z APM Connect DG is installed.
    keytool -import -keystore "<truststore>.jks" -deststoretype jks -alias CustomCert -file "<filename>" -storepass "<password>" -keypass "<password>" -noprompt

6. Recycle the Z APM Connect DG


Recycle the Z APM Connect DG, if needed, to pick up the truststore addition, by first running the sudo ./zapmctl stop command and then run the sudo ./zapmctl start command from the <install-dir>/ directory. For more information about how to use the commands, see ../configuration/ttg/zapm_dg_command_start.html.

7. Refresh or recycle the PAGENT address space


Refresh or recycle the PAGENT address space. Recycle Z APM Connect Base address space (AGMAPROC) and if applicable, the CICS TG and z/OS Connect EE servers to pick up the new policy.