Installing Z APM Connect DG images
Extract the downloaded installation package and add all the Z APM Connect DG images to the cluster's image registry.
Download 6.2.0-TIV-ZAPM-FP00000-cluster-amd64.tar.gz from IBM Fix Central and move it to the desired installation location.
Run the following command to extract it to a user-defined directory.
tar -xf 6.2.0-ZAPM-FP00000-cluster-amd64.tar.gz
After extraction, the following files are generated in the directory. All images within the images directory need to be added to the cluster's image registry.
├── cluster │ ├── values.yaml │ ├── templates │ ├── zapm-helm-chart-6.2.0-0.tgz │ ├── ├── standalone │ ├── config │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── inputs.env ├── images │ ├── zapm-exporter+6.2.0-0.tar │ ├── kafka+3.7.0.tar │ ├── redis+6.2.14.tar │ ├── zapm-test+6.2.0-0.tar │ ├── zapm-transaction-processor+6.2.0-0.tar │ ├── zapm-ttg+6.2.0-0.tar (AppDynamics Use Only)
Note: If you install from the Z APM Connect package, this directory might contain images for other APM platforms. However, those images will not be used for OpenTelemetry support and you can safely ignore them.
Note: Within the deployment files, you will find two folders: "cluster" and "standalone." Each folder contains sample configuration files that are recommended for different purposes. The "cluster" folder is for deploying in production environment, while the "standalone" folder is for test environment, such as for Proof of Concept.
Load each of the images found in the
directory to either the cluster's internal image registry or an external image registry. This can be accomplished with either Docker or Podman. Make sure the external private registry you are pushing these Z APM Connect DG images to is the same registry you created the "regcred" secret for in Pre-deployment configuration. An example for how to load, tag, and push an image to your external private registry is shown below:
# Load the image from the tar file
podman load -i zapm-transaction-processor+6.2.0-0tar
# Tag the local image with the desired registry path and version
podman tag localhost/zapm-transaction-processor:6.2.0-0
# Push the tagged image to the registry
podman push