Getting started with the Configuration Tool

The Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool is a web-based user interface that is provided as a plug-in for IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF). You use the tool to specify what data you want to collect from your z/OS® system and where you want that data to be sent. This configuration information is contained in a policy.

Before you begin

You must copy the configuration files from the IBM Z® APM Connect installation directory to the working directory for the Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool.

About this task

The Configuration Tool helps you create and manage policies for streaming operational data to its destination. The System Data Engine needs this policy information to know what data to collect. Data Streamer needs this policy information to know what to do with the data that it receives from the System Data Engine.

Each policy definition is stored on the host and secured by the System Authorization Facility (SAF) product that is protecting the system.

You need to run the Configuration Tool on IBM z/OS Management Facility.
z/OSMF is shipped with z/OS, and z/OSMF includes the following software:
  • z/OSMF server.
  • WebSphere® Liberty profile, which provides an application server runtime environment for z/OSMF.
  • Set of optional, system management functions or plug-ins, which you can enable when you configure z/OSMF.
  • Technologies for serving the web browser interface, such as JavaScript, Dojo, and Angular.

If you have IBM z/OS Management Facility configured and operational for other applications, run the Configuration Tool on IBM z/OS Management Facility. For more information, see Getting started with the Configuration Tool on z/OSMF.