Setting up a working directory for the Configuration Tool

Before you install the Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool, you must set up a working directory where the tool can store policy definition files. A setup script ( is provided to automate this process.

About this task

Guidelines for the working directory
Use the following guidelines to help you decide which directory to use as the working directory:
  • The directory must be readable and writable by the user ID that runs the Configuration Tool.
  • To avoid possible conflicts, do not use a directory that is defined as the Data Streamer working directory (CDP_HOME).
  • The setup script prompts you for input. To accept the default directory that is shown in the prompt, enter a blank value. If the name for the z/OSMF administrator group of your site is not IZUADMIN, ensure that you specify the correct name.
User ID criteria for running the setup script
To run the setup script, you must be logged in to the z/OS® system with a user ID that meets the following criteria:
  • Because IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) administrators need to write updates to the policy definition files, the user ID must be in z/OSMF administrator group 1, which is the UNIX group to which z/OSMF administrators are added. By default, z/OSMF administrator group 1 is IZUADMIN.
  • The user ID must be a TSO ID that has the UID 0 attribute.


To set up the working directory, run the following command with a user ID that meets the criteria that is specified in About this task:
sh /usr/lpp/IBM/zcdp/v5r1m0/UI/LIB/
Important: Before you run the script, make sure that the /tmp directory has at least 1 MB free space.
The script creates the following path and file:
/u/userid/cdpConfig/HBOCDEUI/v5r1m0/LIB path
This path is a symbolic link to target libraries. The file is in this path, and it must be imported into z/OSMF when you install the Configuration Tool. For more information about the installation steps, see Installing the Configuration Tool on z/OSMF.
/u/userid/cdpConfig/HBOCDEUI/v5r1m0/LIB/cdpConfig.json file
This file includes the variable configPath that defines the working directory for the Configuration Tool.

What to do next

Next, you need to copy the configuration files from the IBM Z® APM Connect installation directory to the working directory for the Z Common Data Provider Configuration Tool.