Message reference for the Z Common Data Provider

This reference lists and describes each message that is generated by the Z Common Data Provider.

Meaning of suffixes in some messages

Suffixes for the Z Common Data Provider components messages describes the meaning of the suffixes for the Configuration Tool, Data Streamer and Data Receiver, Log Forwarder, System Data Engine, and Data Collector messages.

Table 1. Suffixes for the Z Common Data Provider components messages
Message suffix What the suffix represents More information
A Immediate Action System operator action is immediately required. A system operator must do something now, such as mount a tape cartridge, or attach a DASD.

The associated task does not continue until the requested action has been taken.

D Immediate Decision System operator decision or action is immediately required. All system messages that issue the D type code must enumerate the available options. A system operator must make a decision now by selecting a reply from the enumerated options, and by responding to the system immediately.

The associated task does not continue until the operator communicates the decision to the system.

E Eventual action System operator action is required in the future. A system operator must eventually take an appropriate action.

The associated task continues independently of system operator action.

I Information System operator action is not required. Communication in this category is for advisory purposes, and it might inform the system operator about actions to take.

The associated task continues independently of system operator action.

S Severe error Severe error messages are for a system programmer.
T Terminate The IEBCOPY program terminates.
W On Mainframe:

System Wait

System operator action is required immediately. A system catastrophe occurred, which affected hardware, software, or both. To continue, the system, or a major subsystem, must be restarted.
On distributed system:


These messages inform the system operator of a condition that might require action to successfully process the current request.