Location map

Use the location map to obtain current information about what is happening at a specific location. You can obtain information from data items that are marked on the location map. Select your data sources in the filter, and select your location map from the list of maps that are available. A location map in IBM® Intelligent Operations Center is a map, diagram, or plan with predefined areas for interaction, for example, seating areas in a major sports stadium.

The location map provides you with a visual representation of data items that are associated with the relevant areas on a location map. Using information that is displayed on the location map together with the map and list, you can identify issues, resources, location patterns, conflicts, and synergies. You can keep up with rapidly changing situations, accessing the relevant data sources and data feeds.

The map, location map, and list are linked together to share input and changes to the data items that are displayed. You can configure the filter to display the data items that you want to see.

The map, location maps, and list are updated with data items based on the data sources that you select in the filter. If a data item has an area name, it is displayed only on the location map and in the list.

Displaying the location map menu

In the Operations view, click My View and select Show Location Map. The location map menu is displayed and contains an alphabetical list of the available location maps that are organized by collection and by category. The number that is displayed beside each menu entry indicates the number of data items that are located in the corresponding location map or in the location maps that are contained within the corresponding category or collection. The number's background color can be green, blue, or yellow:
Green background color
A green color is displayed if the menu entry is a category, collection, or location map that does not contain data items.
Blue background color
A blue color is displayed if the menu entry is a category or a collection, and that category or collection includes at least one location map that contains one or more data items.
Yellow background color
A yellow color is displayed if the menu entry is a location map that contains data items.

Location map collections and categories

A collection consists of one or more location maps, and a category consists of one or more collections of maps. A collection usually represents a specific location or building, and is also assigned a position for display on a geospatial map. A category is assigned an appropriate name, which makes it easier for you to find the collection you are looking for.

Location map markers

The following types of marker represent the position of data items on the location map:

Table 1. Location map markers
Marker Type Description
Icon Indicates the occurrence of a data item in an area with a unique icon to represent each data source.
Cluster Indicates the occurrence of more than one data item in the same area with a number that represents the number of data items in that area.

To display details for a single data item, click the marker on the map. The preview card initially displays minimal and key properties. Depending on the data source, you can click for more information and actions that are associated with an item. You can update a data item if the data source is designed to allow an update.

If more than one data item occurs in the same area, the items are represented by a cluster marker. When you click this marker, the names of the data items are displayed. You can then display details of an individual data item by clicking that item. When you highlight a cluster marker, it changes color.