
A bundle is an item that consists of multiple components. A component in a bundle can be a product or other bundles. The availability of a bundle item is determined by its components. Inventory Visibility supports bundles only in V2 of availability APIs.

  • Bundle components are maintained by Catalog service.
  • The inventory service does not support updating bundle items directly for supplies and demands.

Availability APIs for bundles

  • Bundle availability per ship node
    • All components must be available at the ship node in order to be considered for the bundle.
    • If the request contains multiple ship nodes, the response contains an availability line for each node separately.
  • Bundle availability across several ship nodes
    • Introduced the bundleAggregatesAcrossNodes query parameter to node availability APIs. When set to true, which is the default value, the bundle availability is calculated across ship nodes that are provided in the request.
    • Response contains a single availability line with the ship nodes omitted.

Placing reservations against bundle items

Reservation API reserves a bundle item directly, such that the availability of each component is considered when you run the request. For bundles, a reservation is placed against a bundle item results in unique reservations against all the components of the bundle. Each of those reservations in turn will have a unique reservation ID, but share the same reference value. As supply and demand APIs do not support bundle items, the reservations can be consumed only by referencing them through the leaf components.

Note: The bundle and item with variation of parent-child items are two different item types. A bundle cannot be an item with variation.