Defining carriers, services, and zones by using APIs

The carrier represents the transportation service provider to ship and deliver the products from the store to shopper. There can be more than one carrier services associated with a carrier.

You can configure the carriers in Sterling Intelligent Promising to get started with the application. To configure the carriers, see Creating and updating carriers by using APIs.

Defining carrier

To define a carrier, see Set or update carrier API.

Defining carrier service

A carrier service is the shipping service that is provided by a carrier.

To define a carrier service, see Set or update carrier service API.

Configuring a zone and transit time

A shipping zone, or a zone, is a collection of geographical areas that share similar transit durations and transit rates. The carriers use shipping zones to measure the distance that a package travels, the travel duration, and the shipping cost that the package travels from its origin to its destination.

To configure a zone and transit components, see Upload shipping zone components API.

// Upload zone components with transit duration:
ZONE_GB_001,GB,GB,E16 0AA,E16 0AA,AB1 0,AB1 9,P2DT0H

Configuring a shipping group

To configure a shipping group, see Configuring shipping groups.

Defining carrier service pickup schedule

To define a carrier service pickup schedule, see Define node carrier pickup schedule API.