Transportation carrier services apply extra charges and fees that are called surcharges
when you use their service for shipping purposes. You can configure and manage carrier service
surcharges by using APIs.
- To create or update the carrier service surcharge configuration based on the carrier
service ID and charge type, use the Set or update carrier service configuration
- Use the following APIs to retrieve or delete the carrier service configuration:
- Optional: To specify a sequence in which to apply the surcharges, in the
Upload shipping components API, provide a value for the
chargeTier attribute.
The shipping cost calculation logic checks if any zone component surcharges are configured
for the delivery route for the package. Then, if surcharges are found, they are included in the
shipping cost calculation.
What to do next
Become familiar with the scenario to set up zone component surcharges. For more
information, see Scenario: Carrier service surcharges.