Lead time
Lead time is an upfront static buffer time that accounts for the time before you can start processing the order at a node. The modular Promising service considers lead time for promising calculations.
For example, assume a node's lead time is 2 hours and capacity availability is tracked from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. If an order comes in at 4:00 PM, it is unlikely that the node can process the order before the capacity schedule ends at 6:00 PM. In such a scenario, lead time can be configured for the node.
You can define the node lead time for a node and a node type. If you don’t define any lead time for the node, the lead time that is configured for the node fulfillment type is used. Then, if the lead time is not configured for the node or the node type, the node is not considered during order fulfillment.
An order might need to go through numerous steps, such as fraud detection and auditing, before the node is notified of the order and before your personnel can start processing the order. In such a scenario, lead time can be configured for the node.