
Capacity is the quantity of a resource available to fulfill an optimization objective. For example, you might want to model node capacity.

Capacity can be measured in the following units of measure (UOMs):
One capacity for each order potential order release
One capacity for each ordered unit
One capacity for each order line
Note: Currently, only the UOM unit is supported.
Node capacity

The resource potential for fulfilling inventory requests at a node.

Capacity category

You can categorize capacity based on characteristics like standard node capacity or supplemental node capacity.


A taxonomic classification of capacity categories. For example, after you define a capacity category as standard node capacity or supplemental node capacity, you can further classify the category into characteristics like delivery method, item, packing, or picking. You can define capacity as STANDARD_NODE_CAPACITY to indicate that the capacity applies to a node, and you can further designate capacity by delivery method.


By using the slot-based node capacity, you can specify the quantity that can be made available during a specific time slot for a certain capacity category and tags.

Capacity availability considerations in Promising

The Scenario: Calculate item delivery or pickup date based on finite capacity windows and Scenario: Calculate pre-purchase pick-up and shipment assignments using finite capacity windows APIs use capacity availability that is configured to make promising decisions. These APIs assume that capacity is measured in units to leverage the capacity availability.

Capacity availability considerations in Optimization

The Optimization APIs use daily capacity during optimization decisions.
Note: The capacity definitions and calculations that pertain to the Optimization service are separate from the capacity definitions and calculations for promising decisions.