Transferring catalog item data
The catalog item ingestion feature transfers item data from an external system into the catalog in Sterling Intelligent Promising. Any invalid input is uploaded back to you as a .csv file for errors to be addressed.
About this task
If you are using the catalog service API to maintain your catalog data, you don't need to upload catalog item data.
- Upload the .csv items data in the specified format by using the file transfer adapter to make the required information available.
- You use the .csv upload for data such as
, andcode
fields. - If you want to delete items or manage categories, attributes, and components, you can use the appropriate REST APIs.
- The order of items that are processed in the .csv file might not be in the sequence of items in the file.
- As a secondary option, catalog item management can be done by using an API request. Sterling Intelligent Promising enables data ingestion from external system by using .csv files.
Invalid items data in the uploaded .csv file
The uploaded .csv items data is validated. However, for any of the invalid items of data in the
.csv file, the itemId
, unitOfMeasure
and validation error
descriptions are published to IBM Cloud® Object Storage. You can download the invalid items list for
the .csv file from the
<Input_Prefix>/itemIngestValidateFailure virtual folder
on IBM Cloud Object Storage, in case any items that are uploaded contain invalid input.
Sequence | Field name | Required | Type | Description |
1. | itemId |
Yes | String | The item ID for data ingestion. |
2. | unitOfMeasure |
Yes | String | The unit of measure in the context of the item's quantity. |
3. | itemGroupCode |
No | String | Indicates whether the item is a Product. Note: Only
PROD type
supported. |
4. | globalItemId |
No | String | A unique global identifier used to cross-reference the item. |
5. | allowGiftWrap |
No | String | An item that can be gift wrapped. |
6. | assumeInfiniteInventory |
No | String | An item that is assumed to be always available. |
7. | isAirShippingAllowed |
No | String | An item that can be shipped by air. |
8. | isDeliveryAllowed |
No | String | An item that allows delivery. |
9. | isForwardingAllowed |
No | String | An item that can be forwarded for zone skipping. |
10. | isFreezerRequired |
No | String | An item that requires a freezer for transportation. |
11. | isHazmat |
No | String | An item that has hazardous material. |
12. | isModelItem |
No | String | An item that has variations. |
13. | isParcelShippingAllowed |
No | String | An item that can be shipped through a parcel service. |
14. | isPickupAllowed |
No | String | An item where pickup is allowed. |
15. | isProcurementAllowed |
No | String | An item that can be procured. |
16. | isReturnable |
No | String | A product item that is returnable. |
17. | isShippingAllowed |
No | String | An item that allows shipping. |
18. | substitutionAllowed |
No | String | An item that allows substitution. |
19. | taxable |
No | String | An item that is taxable. |
20. | bundleFulfillmentMode |
No | String | Indicates how the bundle is fulfilled.
21. | colorCode |
No | String | The color code for the item. |
22. | costCurrency |
No | String | The currency in which the item cost is defined. |
23. | countryOfOrigin |
No | String | The item's country of manufacturing. |
24. | defaultProductClass |
No | String | The default product class of an item. |
25. | description |
No | String | The description of the item. |
26. | effectiveEndDate |
No | dateTime | The end date until when the item is valid in the format
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ . |
27. | effectiveStartDate |
No | dateTime | The start date from when the item is valid in the format
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ . |
28. | extendedDescription |
No | String | The extended multi-line description of the Item. |
29. | extendedDisplayDescription |
No | String | Display a description for the item. |
30. | itemType |
No | String | The generic type of the item. |
31. | keywords |
No | String | Specifies keywords to be associated with the item. |
32. | kitCode |
No | String | The kit code for the item. BUNDLE indicates bundle item. LK indicates logical kit item. PK indicates physical kit. DPK indicates dynamic physical kit. |
33. | manufacturerDescription |
No | String | The manufacturer's description of an item. |
34. | manufacturerItemId |
No | String | The identifier used by a manufacturer to identify an item. |
35. | manufacturerName |
No | String | The manufacturer of the item. |
36. | masterCatalogId |
No | String | The master calculator ID to which this item belongs. |
37. | maxOrderQty |
No | Double | The maximum order quantity. |
38. | minOrderQty |
No | Double | The minimum order quantity. |
39. | minReturnWindow |
No | Long | The minimum number of days before which return might be accepted for the item. |
40. | returnWindow |
No | Long | The number of days after which return might not be accepted. |
41. | shipmentConsolidationWindow |
No | Long | The number of days that the item can be delayed to be consolidated into a single shipment. |
42. | modelItemId |
No | String | The unique itemId with variations to which this item belongs |
43. | modelItemUnitOfMeasure |
No | String | The unit of measure of the item with variations. |
44. | primaryEnterpriseCode |
No | String | The primary enterprise associated with an item. |
45. | primarySupplier |
No | String | The primary supplier of the item. |
46. | productLine |
No | String | The product line associated with the item. |
47. | shortDescription |
No | String | The short description of the item. |
48. | sizeCode |
No | String | The size code of the item. |
49. | status |
No | Integer | Status of the item.
50. | unitCost |
No | Double | The cost of one unit of an item. |
51. | unitHeight |
No | Double | The height of one unit of item. |
52. | unitLength |
No | Double | The length of one unit of item. |
53. | unitWidth |
No | Double | The width of one unit of item. |
54. | unitWeight |
No | Double | The weight of one unit of item. |
55. | unitHeightUOM |
No | String | Unit of measure of item height. |
56. | unitLengthUOM |
No | String | Unit of measure of item length. |
57. | unitWeightUOM |
No | String | Unit of measure of item weight. |
58. | unitWidthUOM |
No | String | Unit of measure of item width. |
59. | imageUrl |
No | String | The image URL of the item. |
60. | advanceNotificationTime |
No | Long | Communication to ship the order to shipping node is made at most these many days before the expected shipment date. |
61. | timeSensitive |
No | String | An item that is time sensitive. |
62. | fifoTracked |
No | String | An item that is FIFO tracked. |
63. | itemBasedAllocationAllowed |
No | String | An item where the Item-Based Allocation process is allowed. |
64. | useUnplannedInventory |
No | String | An item that is allowed to use unplanned inventory. |
65. | tagControlled |
No | String | An item that is tag controlled.
66. | leadTime |
No | Long | The lead time for getting the product delivered. |
67. | maxNotificationTime |
No | Double | Communication to ship the order to shipping node is made at most these many shipping calendar hours before the expected shipment date. |
68. | minNotificationTime |
No | Double | Communication to ship the order is made at least these many days before the expected shipment date. |
69. | onhandSafetyFactorQty |
No | Double | The quantity that is excluded from the actual on-hand availability of the item. |
70. | onhandSafetyFactorPercentage |
No | Double | The percentage that is excluded from the actual on-hand availability of the item. |
71. | futureSafetyFactorPercentage |
No | Double | The quantity that is excluded from the actual future availability of the item. |
72. | defaultExpirationDays |
No | Long | The default number of days after which the item expires. |
73. | processingTime |
No | Long | Processing time in days for item special services. |
74. | batchNo |
No | String | The batchNo that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag descriptor.
Valid values are
75. | lotAttribute1 |
No | String | The lotAttribute1 that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag
descriptor. Valid values are
76. | lotAttribute2 |
No | String | The lotAttribute2 that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag
descriptor. Valid values are
77. | lotAttribute3 |
No | String | The lotAttribute3 that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag
descriptor. Valid values are
78. | lotKeyReference |
No | String | The lotKeyReference that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag
descriptor. Valid values are
79. | lotNumber |
No | String | The lotNumber that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag descriptor.
Valid values are
80. | manufactureDate |
No | String | The manufactureDate that can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag
descriptor. Valid values are
81. | revisionNo |
No | String | Indicates is revisionNo can be used as a tag identifier or as a tag
descriptor. Valid values are
82. | commodityCode |
No | String | The commodity code of an item. |
83. | eccnNo |
No | String | The ECCN number of an item. |
84. | harmonizedCode |
No | String | The harmonized code of an item. |
85. | hazmatClass |
No | String | The hazardous material classification code of an item. |
86. | naicsCode |
No | String | The NAICS code of an item. |
87. | nmfcClass |
No | String | The NMFC code of an item. |
88. | nmfcCode |
No | String | The NMFC code for an item. |
89. | pickingType |
No | String | The picking the type code of an item. |
90. | postingClassification |
No | String | The posting classification of an item. |
91. | scheduleBcode |
No | String | The schedule B code of an item. |
92. | storageType |
No | String | The storage type code of an item. |
93. | taxProductCode |
No | String | The tax product code of an item. |
94. | unspsc |
No | String | The UNSPSC code of an item. |
95. | velocityCode |
No | String | The velocity code. |
- /failed/<Input_Prefix>/sip-item/myinput
- /completed/<Input_Prefix>/sip-item/myinput
- /reprocess/<Input_Prefix>/sip-item/myinput
- /summary/<Input_Prefix>/sip-item/myinput
Depending on the rules that are configured, you might see sip-data-capture
included instead of sip-catalog