Managing node-balancing values

You can configure node-balancing values whenever you want to balance node capacity.

Remember: This content is applicable only when the optimization objective in your Optimization profile is set to Balance node capacity.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following perquisites are met:


  1. From the menu, click Promising and fulfill > Sourcing and scheduling > Optimization and fulfillment rules.
  2. To manage node-balancing values, go to the Optimization settings section, on to the Node balancing tab.
  3. Click Edit values.
  4. For a node type, input node-balancing values for the Backlog threshold days, Overcapacity penalty, and Tiebreaker cost fields.
    The Last modified date updates to the display the date and time you modified the node-balancing values.
  5. To reset a node to its default node-balancing settings, select a node by selecting its corresponding check box, and select Set to default.
  6. Optional: To apply overrides for a node, click Select nodes.
  7. Optional: To delete a node override, select the delete icon corresponding to a node from the list.
  8. To create scheduled change for a node, click Create scheduled change.
    1. In the Name field, enter a unique schedule name.
    2. In the Schedule section, pick start and end date and time from the date and time picker.
    3. Optional: To override the schedule for multiple nodes, click Select nodes and enter the node-balancing values.
  9. Click Save.