Viewing SKU details
You can view SKU details, alerts, and other SKU-specific information.
Click the Inventory (
) icon on the navigation ribbon.
- From the Search for list, select Inventory.
- Enter the search criteria. For more information, see Searching inventory.
Click Search.
The Search results page displays a list of valid entries for SKUs. It has the SKU name, item characteristic, variation, unit of measure, and product class details.
- Click the SKU name to view the SKU details page. You can also click the overflow menu and the end of each row and select Details to go to the SKU details page.
The SKU details page displays content based on the criteria that are
selected in the Search page. You can use the filter option in audit history to
update the search criteria. Click the Audit history tab and use the
Filter option to update the search criteria and click
Apply to view the new search result.
Important:The various elements on the SKU details page are explained in the following tables.
- You might see some disabled sections when using Order Hub software version. This capability is available only when using Inventory Visibility. If you want to remove the disabled sections from the UI, contact your IBM Account Representative.
- To enable and start by using Order Hub with Inventory Visibility, contact your IBM Account Representative.
Table 1. Summary Element Description Inventory supply A bar chart that provides a quick summary of supply that is separated by supply type. Note: Administrators can configure the types to show in the chart. For more information, see Configurations: Show supply types.Inventory demand A bar chart that provides a quick summary of demand that is separated by demand type. Note: Administrators can configure the types to show in the chart. For more information, see Configurations: Show demand types.Expired inventory A bar chart that provides a quick summary of the expired inventory. The expired items that are on hand, PO placed, and PO scheduled are displayed. Note:- Expired inventory data is only available for Inventory Visibility users.
- Administrators can determine whether the expired inventory chart is displayed on the details page. For more information, see Configurations: Expired inventory.
Future supply/demand A combination of bar chart and line chart that provides a quick summary of future supply and demand information of the inventory based on the date range. The breakdown consists of supply, demand, available, and shortage. The data in the chart displays future inventory that is aggregated for the date range, based on Coordinated Universal Time.
Start date The start date of the search. End date The end date of the search. Supply The supply quantity. Demand The demand quantity. - Click the demand quantity value link to view the Demand modal that has demand details such as order number, document type, line number, buyer, seller, and quantity.
- You can also use the search filter to filter the demand details list.
Important: The Demand modal capability is available only for IBM Sterling Global Inventory Visibility users.Available The available quantity. Shortage The shortage quantity. Note:- When segmentation is used, a segmented demand can be matched only with segmented supply. An unsegmented demand unless matched with unsegmented supply, will be a shortage.
- A segmented demand unless matched against matching segment, will be a shortage.
- You can have multiple segments for item node where each
can have its supply, demand, availability, or shortage. - Supply can be grouped by supply type and demand can be grouped by demand type, but when it comes to availability, each unmatched demand remains as a shortage.
Note: Inventory Visibility users cannot view availability, shortage, and end date column. IBM Sterling Global Inventory Visibility users can view all the details in addition to using the drop down available in the future supply/demand graph to view all, weekly or monthly data if the time horizon is long enough to support weekly or monthly options.Table 2. Nodes Element Description Node ID Node ID. Node name Node name. Total available Total number of SKUs that is available to sell. Ship from store The total inventory that can be shipped from store. - Safety stock: Configured safety stock of the SKU that can be shipped from store.
- Available to sell: Total number of SKUs that is available to sell. This includes units that are Available to sell from future inventory plus the units that are Available to sell from on hand.
- Fulfillment: Fulfillment option set for this SKU in this node.
Pickup from store The total inventory that can be picked up from store. - Safety stock: Configured safety stock of the SKU that can be picked up from store.
- Available to sell: Total number of SKUs that is available to sell. This includes units that are Available to sell from future inventory plus the units that are Available to sell from on hand.
- Fulfillment: Fulfillment option set for this SKU in this node.
Expired Lists the total number of expired inventories. The expired items such as on hand, PO placed, and PO scheduled is displayed as hover-text when you hover your cursor on the expired inventory column.
You can perform various actions such as adjust safety stock and set fulfillment options.