Searching inventory availability

The Inventory availability page provides a simple user interface to search for and view all the inventory available in your system. From the search results, you can drill down into the details of the item and perform various inventory actions.


  1. Log in to Order Hub.
  2. Click Inventory (Inventory icon that looks like 3 boxes stacked on top of each other beside a single box) and select Search.
    Note: By default, the inventory search uses the IBM® Sterling™ Intelligent Promising data model. To keep the previous look of your inventory page, see the Inventory setting in Configuring settings.
  3. Deprecated feature The inventory search page displays the alert thresholds that are active. Administrators can configure alert thresholds under Settings > Thresholds.
  4. Customize search criteria provides the capability to configure the search fields that display on the page. This option provides other fields to help you narrow your search results. In the Customize search page, you can update the search criteria and click the save icon to save the criteria for future searches. You can also create your own group of search items to be displayed in the search field.
    Note: To improve performance, you can limit the number of search results by defining specific search criteria. For example, you can configure certain fields such as Item ID to be mandatory when users perform inventory searches. For more information, see Configuring settings. You can also limit the search results from the Customize search page by selecting the wanted value in the Maximum records field.
  5. Click Select items to retrieve specific items.
  6. Select the End date from the date picker.
  7. You can use Inventory filters for searching an item or SKU.
    Select the Availability type.
    • Select Sell if the inventory available is ready for sell.
    • Select Schedule if the inventory available is scheduled.
    • Select Release if the inventory available is ready for release.
    Product class
    Enter the product class of the item or SKU from the Product class field. Product classes depend on your tenant and your definitions.
    Note: You can enable or disable the Product class feature globally for your tenant. You can update these changes under the Settings > Configuration tab.
    You can search for inventory by Location. You can either search by node, distribution group, or all nodes.
    • Node: Select Node and click Select nodes to search for an item by node. In the Select nodes page, select the nodes from the given list and click Save.
    • Distribution group: Select Distribution group to search for an item by distribution group. Select the distribution group from the Inventory distribution group list.
    • Searching by unsegmented inventory: The Unsegmented inventory option is selected by default. Unsegmented inventory is used to search for inventory that is available to all and not for a particular segment.
    • Searching by segmented inventory: Select Segmented inventory to search for an item or SKU by segments. Segments represent items that are allocated for a particular customer. Select the segment type from the Segment type list and segment from the Segment list.
  8. You can also save the search. Save search saves the search criteria for future use. After you save, you can reload the saved criteria by clicking Saved searches and select your saved search. You can also perform other actions such as edit, delete.
    Details page
  9. Click Select nodes.
    The results page displays a list of valid entries for items and SKUs. It has the node name, date range, available, shortage, fulfillment, threshold level, threshold type, more details, expired details.
  10. Click Explain to see the Fulfillment option explained dashboard.
    The dashboard displays the priority, setting combination, fulfillment options, and actions.
    • Priority determines the fulfillment options to use and highlighted level of the fulfillment option that best matches the request with highest precedence.
    • Setting combination determines the item combination with node and delivery method.
    • Fulfillment options defines the inventory availability picture that is enabled or disabled for an item at a specific hierarchy.
    You can adjust the inventory from the results page.
    For more information to manage the fulfillment options, see Managing fulfillment options.


You can perform various actions such as viewing the item or SKU details page and manage fulfillment options.