Integrating with IBM Sterling Order Management System Software containers over phase 1
Configure the integration properties, JWT properties, and the public key to integrate Sterling Intelligent Promising with Sterling Order Management System Software containers over phase Inventory Visibility phase 1.
- Set up the IBM® Sterling Order Management System Software containers. For more information, see Enabling Sterling Inventory Visibility integration for Sterling Order Management System Software.
- Configure the following integration properties in the customer_overrides
file. file:/opt/ssfs yfs.iv.integration.sendsupplyupdates.event.queue: <Supply_queue> AGENT_QCF yfs.iv.integration.demand.providerurl: file:/opt/ssfs yfs.iv.integration.senddemandupdates.event.queue: <Demand_queue> yfs.iv.integration.demand.qcf: AGENT_QCF yfs.iv.integration.icf: com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory iv_integration.baseUrl: https://<Sip_Hostname>/inventory iv_integration.<Enterprise_Code>.tenantId: default iv_integration.<Enterprise_Code>.clientId: DEFAULT iv_integration.<Enterprise_Code>.secret: DEFAULT iv_integration.demands.untaggedinv.tagnumber.useblank: Y Y iv_integration.authentication.mode: JWT
- Select any of the following ways to generate JWT.
- By using IBM Sterling Order Management
System Software containers private-public key pair
- Install the OMEnviroment by adding the following JWT property to the
parameter. For more information, see common parameter.jwt: algorithm: RS512 audience: service issuer: oms
The private key is imported to the keystore and public key is copied to sharedCertificates in Persistent Volume. For example, <sharedDirectory/jwtauth/>.
- Configure this public key in OMS Gateway as explained in Creating a JWT issuer secret by using a public key.
- Install the OMEnviroment by adding the following JWT property to the
- By using your own private-public key pair
- Ensure that the following JWT properties are added to the customer overrides properties
yfs.yfs.jwt.create.issuer: oms yfs.yfs.jwt.create.audience: service yfs.yfs.jwt.create.expiration: <TIME in seconds> operator yfs.yfs.jwt.create.algorithm: RS512 yfs.yfs.jwt.create.userClaim: admin
- Copy the customer generated keystore (jks) into the shared directory of Persistent Volume. For example, /<SHARED_DIR>/jwtauth/jwt.jks.
- Configure the following JVM arguments properties for integration servers. The IV_ADJUST_IS and
IV_ADJUST_ID integration servers require these JVM arguments.
jvmArgs: - groupName: IVJVMArgs propertyList: - -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 - - -Dycp.jwt.auth.keyStore=/opt/ssfs/runtime/jwt - -Dycp.jwt.auth.keyStorePassword=${keyStorePassword} - -Dycp.jwt.auth.trustStore=/opt/ssfs/runtime/jwt
- Install the OMEnviroment by skipping the JWT section in spec so that Sterling Order Management System Software uses the user provided key-pairs.
- Configure this public key in OMS Gateway as explained in Creating a JWT issuer secret by using a public key.
Note:- The Sterling Order Management System Software expects the alias name to be 'operator'. Hence, when generating the key-pairs, ensure to use the alias name as 'operator'.
- Ensure to use the same
that is specified in the secret (the secret that is specified in the Sterling Order Management System Software containers configuration) when generating the key-pairs.
- Ensure that the following JWT properties are added to the customer overrides properties
- By using IBM Sterling Order Management
System Software containers private-public key pair
- Run the following enterprise activation scripts to activate the event handlers and templates.
For more information, see Activating Sterling Order Management System
Software and Inventory Visibility
./ -f integration_load_defaults.xml -DFunctionality=SIV_1.1 -DEnterpriseCode=<enterprise_code> -logfile logfile
You can run these activation scripts either by downloading the
image or from theom-agent
containers. For more information, see customizing and generating container images. - Enable the appropriate events to call actions and the corresponding services. For more information, see Integrating Order Management System Software with Inventory Visibility.
- Start the integration server for syncing supplies and demands to Inventory Visibility by using phase 1 adapter.
- Configure this public key in OMS Gateway. For more information, see Creating a JWT issuer secret by using a public key.Note:
- When supply sync and demand sync integration servers try to reach Sterling Intelligent Promising, a certificate is required to establish a secure connection to Sterling Intelligent Promising. This certificate is used to verify the identity of the Sterling Intelligent Promising and to establish a secure encrypted connection between developer toolkit and Sterling Intelligent Promising.
- If you are using Sterling Intelligent
Promising Operator certificate, ensure to add the
root CA certificate
to the truststore of integration servers JVM. - If you are using your own certificate, ensure to add it to the truststore of integration servers JVM.