Scenario: Troubleshooting promising calculations

As a fulfillment manager you can use the Ship and Pick Diagnostics APIs to understand promising calculations. These APIs will give you insights into which nodes were considered and which nodes were eliminated and why.

Troubleshooting by using the Diagnostics APIs

The Pick Diagnostics API helps you diagnose the selection criteria that is used for PICK delivery method, such as whether the node is within the radius of the customer or not. The API provides diagnostics on availability, capacity, and other common factors. For more information about Pick Diagnostics API, see Generate diagnostics for cart lines fulfilled using PICK delivery method.

The Ship Diagnostics API helps you diagnose the selection criteria for SHP delivery method, such as transit times and pick up schedules. The API provides diagnostics on availability, capacity, and other common factors. For more information about Ship Diagnostics API, see Generate diagnostics for cart lines fulfilled using SHP delivery method.

You can use these Diagnostics API to understand the output that is returned by Estimated Delivery Date and Checkout calculations APIs and troubleshoot the results of promising calculations. The use of Diagnostics APIs helps you in understanding the logic behind the promising calculations.

For example, the Estimated Delivery API eliminates a store that has capacity but doesn't have inventory. In this case, the eliminated store will be listed under the nodesWithoutInventory attribute of the Diagnostics APIs.

Ship diagnostics API

The Ship Diagnostics API returns output as follows.

Table 1.
Output parameter Description
nodesMissingLeadTime List of nodes with undefined lead time.
nodesMissingTransitData List of nodes without any transit data for the specified carrier service.
nodesMissingPickupSchedule List of nodes without pick schedule for the specified carrier service.
matchedRuleIds List of matched sourcing rules.
nodesExcludedByRules List of nodes that are excluded due to unmatched sourcing rules.
consideredCapacityCategories List of considered capacity categories.
nodesMissingCapacity List of nodes with no capacity.
nodesMissingInventory List of nodes with no inventory.
consideredNodesPerCarrierService List of nodes considered for the specified carrier service.

Pick diagnostics API

The Pick Diagnostics API returns output as follows.

Table 2.
Output parameter Description
consideredNodes List of considered nodes.
nodesOutsideRadius List of nodes outside a specific radius.
nodesMissingLeadTime List of nodes with undefined lead time.
matchedRuleIds List of matched sourcing rules.
nodesExcludedByRules List of nodes that are excluded due to unmatched sourcing rules.
consideredCapacityCategories List of considered capacity categories.
nodesMissingCapacity List of nodes with no capacity.
nodesMissingInventory List of nodes with no inventory.