Specifying transit durations for zones
You can specify the transit duration for zones such that all the origin and destination pairs within each zone inherit the same transit duration. You can also specify transit delays for the zones to enhance accuracy of transit duration calculations.
Note: Specifying transit delay for the transit duration calculations is an optional action. You can
specify it only when you need to introduce ad hoc delays for carrier transit durations.
An individual origin-and-destination postal code combination within a zone is called zone component or zone route.
First, identify all zone components within a shipping zone. For example, the
shipping zone contains the following two zone
zone |
destination_country |
origin_country |
destination_postal_code_begin |
destination_postal_code_end |
origin_postal_code_begin |
origin_postal_code_end |
GB |
DE |
AB1 |
AB6 |
495 |
495 |
GB |
DE |
AB9 |
AB9 |
495 |
495 |
Then, define the transit duration for the shipping zone. Optionally, specify transit delay for
the zone.
zone |
transit_duration |
transit_delay |
PT72H |
PT24H |
To remove the previously configured transit delay, leave the transit_delay value blank.
For more information, see Create or update a specific zone component or route.