Use the mqsicreateexecutiongroup command to add a new integration server to a broker.
You must start the broker before you run the mqsicreateexecutiongroup command.
>>-mqsicreateexecutiongroup--| brokerSpec |---------------------> >-- -e --integrationServerName----------------------------------> >--+----------------------------------------+------------------>< '- -w --timeoutSecs-- -v --traceFileName-' brokerSpec |--+- brokerName ----------------+------------------------------| +- -n --brokerFileName--------+ | .-------------------------. | | V | | '-----+- -i --ipAddress-+---+-' +- -p --port------+ '- -q --qMgr------'
Use this option if multiple users want to connect to the same broker, or if you are using advanced connection parameters such as SSL.
To create this file, right-click the broker in the IBM® Integration Explorer and select Export *.broker file. When prompted, navigate to the location in which you want to save the file and enter the file name; the extension .broker is appended automatically when you click Save. Include the location (path) and file name when you specify this parameter. You must ensure that the location is accessible when you run this command.
If you want to run a command that uses SSL to administer a remote broker over a secured channel, you must specify the keystore and truststore password for the connection using the IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. See Resolving problems when running commands for further information.
Use this option for connections to remote brokers that do not require advanced connection parameters.
If you choose this option, you must specify at least one of these three parameters; the order in which you specify them is insignificant. You cannot specify each parameter more than once.
Parameters that you omit assume default values:
If you try to connect to a remote broker by specifying the i, p, and q parameters, or by using a connection parameter file (.broker), the command attempts to use WebSphere® MQ Java™ client code. This option is not supported on z/OS, and returns the following error:
BIP1046E: Unable to connect with the broker (name)
The reported reason code is MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR. You must specify a local queue manager.
Create an integration server called IS1 on the broker that is hosted by the queue manager QMGR, which is listening on
mqsicreateexecutiongroup -i -p 1414 -q QMGR –e IS1
Create an integration server called IS2 on the broker that is defined by the connection parameters in file
mqsicreateexecutiongroup –n –e IS2
Create an integration server IS3 on the broker that is defined by the connection parameters in file Wait 5 minutes for the broker to respond, and send output to trace.txt.
mqsicreateexecutiongroup –n –e IS3 –w 300 –v trace.txt