Configuring properties for TCP/IP
If you are deploying message flows that contain TCP/IP Nodes, and those nodes use a configurable service, set up your TCPIPClient/Server configurable services before the message flows are deployed.
Before you begin
- For background information about the TCP/IP transport, see TCP/IP data transfer and Connection management.
- Consider using the default configurable service instead of creating your own. For more information, see TCPIPClientInput node.
- To create a TCPIPClient configurable service, use the web
user interface or the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command,
as shown in the following example. There is no need to stop and start
the integration server for changes to a TCPIPClient configurable
service to take effect. This example creates a TCPIPClient configurable service named myTCPIPClientConfigurableServiceName that connects to the TCP/IP host localhost, and uses port12345 for the connections into that server:
mqsicreateconfigurableservice myBroker -c TCPIPClient -o myTCPIPClientConfigurableServiceName -n Hostname,Port -v localhost,12345 BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
- To change the properties of a TCPIPClient configurable
service, use the web user interface or the mqsichangeproperties command,
as shown in the following example. There is no need to stop and start
the integration server for changes to a TCPIPClient configurable service
to take effect. This example changes the connections that are used by the TCPIPClient configurable service myTCPIPClientConfigurableServiceName.
mqsichangeproperties myBroker -c TCPIPClient -o myTCPIPClientConfigurableServiceName -n Hostname,AlternativePort -v newhost,otherhost:45678 BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
- To create a TCPIPServer configurable service, use the web
user interface or the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command,
as shown in the following example. You must stop and start the integration
server for changes to a TCPIPServer configurable service to take effect.
This example creates a TCPIPServer configurable service named myTCPIPServerConfigurableServiceName that listens on port 12345, and has a maximum of 1000 connections into that server:
mqsicreateconfigurableservice myBroker -c TCPIPServer -o myTCPIPServerConfigurableServiceName -n Port,MaximumConnections -v 12345,1000 BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
- To change the properties of a TCPIPServer configurable
service, use the web user interface or the mqsichangeproperties command,
as shown in the following example. You must stop and start the integration
server for changes to a TCPIPServer configurable service to take effect.
This example changes the connections that are used by the TCPIPServer configurable service myTCPIPServerConfigurableServiceName.
mqsichangeproperties myBroker -c TCPIPServer -o myTCPIPServerConfigurableServiceName -n Port,ExpireConnectionSec -v 54321,60 BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
- To configure a TCPIPClient socket to make 100 connections
at deployment or startup time, use the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command.
By default, the client connections are not made until they are required
by one of the TCP/IP nodes. There is no need to stop and start the
integration server for changes to a TCPIPClient configurable service
to take effect. In this example, the TCPIPClient configurable service called Task10 is configured to run on port 14150, and 100 connections are created.
mqsicreateconfigurableservice IBNODE -c TCPIPClient -o Task10 -n Port,MinimumConnections -v 14150,100
- To configure a TCPIPServer socket so that connections expire
after a specified time, use the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command.
The TCP/IP node can specify either the port to be used or the name
of the configurable service. You must stop and start the integration
server for changes to a TCPIPServer configurable service to take effect.
In this example, the TCPIPServer configurable service called Task9 is configured to run on port 14149. The connections expire when they have not been used for 5 seconds.
mqsicreateconfigurableservice BRK6 -c TCPIPServer -o Task9 -n Port,ExpireConnectionSec -v 14149,5