Creating an empty output element

In the Graphical Data Mapping editor, you can use the Assign transform or the Create transform to create an empty output element defined as a string or as a hexBinary element when you have no source to copy from.

About this task

You can define an empty output element when the following conditions are met:
  • The data type of the element is string or hexBinary.
  • The element is not nillable.


Choose any of the following methods to create an empty output element:

  1. Use the Assign transform to create an empty output element. For more information, see Initializing an output element by using the Assign transform.
  2. Use the Create transform to create a simple or complex empty output element. For more information, see Initializing a simple or complex output element by using the Create transform.


The following table lists the data types and the transforms that you can use to create an output element:
Table 1. List of transform types that you can use to create an empty element
Data type Valid transforms
Simple data types: string, hexBinary Assign, Create
Complex data types Create