FileInput node
Use the FileInput node to process messages that are read from files.
- Developer
- Application Integration Suite
- Standard
- Advanced
- Express
- Scale
- Adapter
One or more messages can be read from a single file, and each message is propagated as a separate flow transaction. The part of a file that generates one message flow transaction is called a record. A file can be a single record, or a series of records. Properties on the node specify how the FileInput node determines the records in a file.
The FileInput node is contained in the File drawer of the palette, and is represented in the IBM® Integration Toolkit by the following icon:
Message structure
- DataObject
- JMSMap
- JMSStream
When the FileInput node propagates a message, it stores information about it in the LocalEnvironment.File message tree. If the input file is empty, an empty message is propagated (assuming that it is valid). The following table lists the LocalEnvironment.File message tree structure. The elements contain data about the current record.
Element Name | Element Data Type | Description |
Directory | CHARACTER | Absolute directory path of the input directory in the form used by the file system of the integration node. For example, on Windows systems, this starts with the drive letter prefix (such as C:). |
Name | CHARACTER | File name and extension. |
LastModified | TIMESTAMP | Date and time the file was last modified. |
TimeStamp | CHARACTER | Date and time, in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) zone, the input node started processing the file as a character string. This data is the string used to create archive and backout file names if a timestamp is included. |
The following elements contain data about the current record: | ||
Offset | INTEGER | The start of the record within the file. The first record starts at offset 0. When Offset is part of the End of Data message tree, this value is the length of the input file. |
Record | INTEGER | The number of the record within the file. The first record is record number 1. When Record is part of the End of Data message tree, this value is the number of records. |
Delimiter | CHARACTER | The characters used to separate this record from the preceding record, if Delimited is specified in Record detection. The first record has a null delimiter. When Delimiter is part of the End of Data message tree, this value is the delimiter that follows the last record, if any. |
IsEmpty | BOOLEAN | Whether the record that is propagated by the message flow is empty. IsEmpty is set to TRUE if the current record is empty. When IsEmpty is part of the End of Data message tree, this property is always set to TRUE. |
Using this node in a message flow
The FileInput node can be used in any message flow that must accept messages in files.
Username: FtpTargetHostUsername@ProxyUserName@TargetFtpHostname
Password: TargetFtpUserPassword@ProxyUserPassword
Other proxies might require a different encoding, or might
require external configuration, or you might not be able to use them
with the File nodes.When you have put an instance of the FileInput node into a message flow, you can configure it; see Configuring the FileInput node. The properties of the node are displayed in the Properties view. All mandatory properties for which you must enter a value (the properties that do not have a default value defined) are marked with an asterisk.
Terminals and properties
The FileInput node terminals are described in the following table.
Terminal | Description |
Failure | The output terminal to which a message is routed if an error occurs before a message is propagated to the Out terminal. Messages propagated to this terminal are not validated, even if you have specified, using the Validate property, that validation is to take place. |
Out | The output terminal to which a message is routed if it has been successfully extracted from the input file. If no errors occur within the input node, a message received from an external resource is always sent to the Out terminal first. |
End of Data | The output terminal to which the End of Data message is routed after all the messages in a file have been processed. The End of Data message flow transaction is initiated only if this terminal is attached. |
Catch | The output terminal to which the message is routed if an exception is thrown downstream and caught by this node. Exceptions are caught only if this terminal is attached. |
The following tables describe the node properties. The column headed M indicates whether the property is mandatory (marked with an asterisk if you must enter a value when no default is defined); the column headed C indicates whether the property is configurable (you can change the value when you add the message flow to the BAR file to deploy it).
Description properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description |
Node name | No | No | FileInput | The name of the node. |
Short description | No | No | None | A brief description of the node. |
Long description | No | No | None | Text that describes the purpose of the node in the message flow. |
Basic properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description | mqsiapplybaroverride command property |
Input directory | Yes | Yes | None | The path of the directory from which input files are processed. The directory must be in a file system to which the integration node has access. If the input directory does not exist, no files are processed. The FileInput node checks that the input directory exists at intervals that are defined by the Scan delay property. The input directory must exist, even if you are processing files over FTP, FTPS, or SFTP. Specify the directory as either an absolute or a relative directory path. If the directory path is relative, it is based on the directory specified in the environment variable MQSI_FILENODES_ROOT_DIRECTORY. An example on Windows systems is C:\fileinput. An example on UNIX systems is /var/fileinput. On Windows, if you are specifying a shared directory that is mapped to your local computer, specify the share name instead of the letter that represents the drive; for example \\myshare\mydirectory. The FileInput node creates an mqsitransitin subdirectory in the specified input directory. The mqsitransitin subdirectory holds and locks input files while they are being processed. If an integration server that processes files in this input directory is removed, check the mqsitransitin subdirectory for partially processed or unprocessed files. Move any such files back into the input directory (and remove the integration server UUID prefix from the file names) so that they can be processed by a different integration server. |
inputDirectory |
Include local subdirectories | Yes | Yes | False | Determines whether all subdirectories under the specified input directory must also be searched for files to process. If you select this property and the Remote Transfer property, only the top-level directory that you have specified on the remote system is searched for files. | recursiveDirectories |
File name or pattern | Yes | Yes | * | A file name or string containing optional wildcard characters (* or ?) or a regular expression that identifies the file or files to process from the input directory. If you specify a regular expression, you must enclose it in parentheses. | filenamePattern |
File exclusion pattern | No | Yes | None | A simple string containing optional wildcard characters (* and ?) that identifies files to exclude from processing. | excludePattern |
Action on successful processing | Yes | No | Delete | The action the node takes on the file after
successfully processing the contents. Valid options are:
Replace duplicate archive files | Yes | No | Cleared | This property controls whether the node replaces existing archive files with the same name as the input file. It applies only when Action on successful processing is not Delete. |
The FileInput node Input Message Parsing properties are described in the following table:
Property | M | C | Default | Description |
Message domain | No | No | BLOB | The domain that is used to parse the message. If the field is blank then the default is BLOB. |
Message model | No | No | Cleared | The name or location of the message model schema file in which the message is defined. When you click Browse, you see a list of available message model schema files for the selected Message domain. |
Message | No | No | Cleared | The name or location of a global element that models an entire document of data, and is contained in your message model schema file. This list is populated with all available messages that are defined in the Message model that you have selected. |
Physical format | No | No | Cleared | The name of the physical format of the message. If you are using the MRM or IDOC parser, select the physical format of the incoming message from the list. This list includes all the physical formats that you have defined for the selected message model. If you set the Message domain property to DataObject, you can set this property to XML or SAP ALE IDoc. Set this property to SAP ALE IDoc when you have to parse a bit stream from an external source and generate a message tree. |
Message coded character set ID | Yes | No | Broker System Default | The ID of the coded character set used to interpret bytes of the file being read. mqsiapplybaroverride command property is messageCodedCharSetIdProperty. |
Message encoding | Yes | No | Integration node System Determined | The encoding scheme for numbers and large characters used to interpret bytes of the file being read. Valid values are Integration node System Determined or a numeric encoding value. For more information about encoding, see Data conversion. mqsiapplybaroverride command property is messageEncodingProperty. |
Parser Options properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description |
Parse timing | No | No | On Demand | This property controls when an input message
is parsed. Valid values are:
For a full description of this property, see Parsing on demand. |
Build tree using XML schema data types | No | No | Cleared | This property controls whether the syntax elements in the message tree have data types taken from the XML schema. |
Use XMLNSC compact parser for XMLNS domain | No | No | Cleared | Specifies whether the XMLNSC Compact Parser
is used for messages in the XMLNS Domain. If you set this property,
the message data is displayed under XMLNSC in nodes that are connected
to the output terminal when either of the following items is XMLNS:
Retain mixed content | No | No | Cleared | This property controls whether the XMLNSC parser creates elements in the message tree for mixed text in an input message. If you select the check box, elements are created for mixed text. If you clear the check box, mixed text is ignored and no elements are created. |
Retain comments | No | No | Cleared | Specifies whether the XMLNSC parser creates elements in the message tree for comments in an input message. If you select the check box, elements are created for comments. If you clear the check box, comments are ignored and no elements are created. |
Retain processing instructions | No | No | Cleared | This property controls whether the XMLNSC parser creates elements in the message tree for processing instructions in an input message. If you select the check box, elements are created for processing instructions. If you clear the check box, processing instructions are ignored and no elements are created. |
Opaque elements | No | No | Blank | This property is used to specify a list of elements in the input message that are to be opaquely parsed by the XMLNSC parser. Opaque parsing is performed only if validation is not enabled (that is, if Validate is None); entries that are specified in Opaque Elements are ignored if validation is enabled. |
Polling property:
Property | M | C | Default | Description | mqsiapplybaroverride command property |
Polling interval (seconds) | Yes | Yes | 5 | The polling interval in seconds. | waitInterval |
Retry properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description | mqsiapplybaroverride command property |
Retry mechanism | Yes | No | Failure | How the node handles a flow failure. Valid options
Retry threshold | Yes | Yes | 0 | The number of times to try the flow transaction again when the Retry mechanism property value is Short retry. | retryThreshold |
Short retry interval | No | Yes | 0 | The interval, in seconds, between each retry if Retry threshold property is not zero. | shortRetryInterval |
Long retry interval | No | Yes | 300 | The interval between retries, if the Retry mechanism property is Short and long retry and the retry threshold has been exhausted. | longRetryInterval |
Action on failing file | Yes | Yes | Move to Backout Subdirectory | The action that the node takes with the input
file if all attempts to process the contents of the input file fail.
Valid options are:
Records and Elements properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description |
Record detection | Yes | No | Whole File | The mechanism used to identify records in the
input file. Valid options are:
Length | Yes | No | 80 | The length of each record, in bytes, when Fixed Length record detection is selected. |
Delimiter | Yes | No | DOS or UNIX Line End | The type of delimiter bytes that separate, or
end, each record when Delimited record
detection is selected. Valid options are:
Custom delimiter | No | No | The delimiter bytes, expressed in hexadecimal, when Delimited record detection and Custom Delimiter are selected. This property is mandatory only if the Delimiter property is set to Custom Delimiter. | |
Delimiter type | Yes | No | Postfix | The position of the delimiter when Delimited record detection is
selected. Valid options are:
Skip first record | Yes | No | FALSE | Skip the first record in the file. The FileInput node will read the first record in the file but not propagate the record to the Out terminal. Records will be propagated as normal, from the second record onwards. Use this option when the first record is a header that does not need to be processed. It is not valid to use this option when using the whole file. |
Validation properties:
For a full description of these properties, see Validation properties.
Property | M | C | Default | Description | mqsiapplybaroverride command property |
Validate | No | Yes | None | This property controls whether validation takes
place. Valid values are:
validateMaster |
Failure action | No | No | Exception | This property controls what happens if validation
fails. Valid values are:
FTP properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description | mqsiapplybaroverride command property |
Remote Transfer | No | Yes | Cleared | This property defines whether the node uses the remote file transfer properties listed on the FTP tab and reads files from either an FTP, FTPS, or SFTP server. If you select this property and the Include local subdirectories property, only the top-level directory that you have specified on the remote system is searched for files. | fileFtp |
Transfer protocol | No | Yes | FTP | This property specifies the protocol to be used
for remote transfer. Valid values are:
remoteTransferType |
Remote server and port | No | Yes | None | This property can have either of the following
fileFtpServer |
Security identity | No | Yes | The name of the user identification used to access the FTP, FTPS, or SFTP server. This property is overridden by the securityIdentity property, if set, in the FtpServer configurable service. | fileFtpUser | |
Server directory | No | Yes | "." | The directory on the FTP, FTPS, or SFTP server from which to transfer files. If you specify this property as a relative path, it is relative to the home directory after logon. This property is overridden by the remoteDirectory property, if set, in the FtpServer configurable service. If the directory specified in this field does not exist on the remote server, the node attempts to create it. | fileFtpDirectory |
Transfer mode | No | No | Binary | The FTP transfer mode for transfer of file data. This property is valid only when FTP is selected as the protocol for remote transfer. Valid values are:
If you have specified FTPS or SFTP as the protocol for remote transfer, the Transfer mode property is ignored, and binary encoding is used. |
Scan delay | No | Yes | 60 | The delay, in seconds, between remote directory scans. This property overrides the value set for Polling interval when the Remote Transfer property is selected. This property is overridden by the scanDelay property, if set, in the FtpServer configurable service. |
Transactions properties:
Property | M | C | Default | Description |
Transaction mode | No | Yes | No | The transaction mode on this input node determines
whether the rest of the nodes in the flow are run under sync point.
Valid options are:
Property | M | C | Default | Description | mqsiapplybaroverride command property |
Additional instances pool | No | Yes | Use Pool Associated with Message Flow | The pool from which additional instances are
componentLevel |
Additional instances | No | Yes | 0 | The number of additional instances that the node can start if the Additional instances pool property is set to Use Pool Associated with Node. | additionalInstances |
Property | M | C | Default | Description |
Events | No | No | None | Events that you have defined for the node are
displayed on this tab. By default, no monitoring events are defined
on any node in a message flow. Use Add, Edit,
and Delete to create, change or delete monitoring
events for the node; see Configuring monitoring event sources by using monitoring properties for details. You can enable and disable events that are shown here by selecting or clearing the Enabled check box. |