mqsireportflowstats command - Windows, Linux and UNIX systems

Use the mqsireportflowstats command on Windows, Linux® and UNIX systems to display the current options for accounting and statistics that have been set by the mqsichangeflowstats command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsireportflowstatsintegrationNodeName-a-s-eIntegrationServerName-fMessageFlow-g-j -k applicationName -y libraryName


(Required) Specify the label of the integration node for which the previously stored accounting and statistics options are to be reported.
(Required) Specify that the command reports the stored settings for the archive accounting and statistics collection.

You must specify -a or -s, or both arguments. If you do not specify at least one of these arguments you receive a warning message.

-e IntegrationServerName
(Required) Specify the name for the integration server, for which accounting and statistics options are to be reported.

You must specify either -e or -g. If you do not specify one of these arguments you receive a warning message.

-f MessageFlow
(Required) Specify the label for the message flow, for which accounting and statistics options are to be reported.

You must specify either -f or -j. If you do not specify one of these arguments you receive a warning message.

(Required) Specifies that the command applies to all integration servers that belong to the integration node.

You must specify either -e or -g. If you do not specify one of these arguments you receive a warning message.

(Required) Specifies that the command applies to all message flows that belong to the integration server.

You must specify either -f or -j. If you do not specify one of these arguments you receive a warning message.

Note: If you set the -g option for all integration servers, you must use -j instead of -f.
-k applicationName
(Optional) This parameter specifies the name of the application that contains the message flow for which statistics collection options are reported.

When you set this parameter, you must also set either the -f (message flow) parameter, or the -j (all message flows) parameter. To display statistics collection options for a named message flow in a specific application, set the -k and -f parameters. To display statistics collection options for all message flows in an application, set the -k and -j parameters.

You can use this parameter with the -y (library name) parameter to specify that the message flow is contained in a library referenced by the application.

(Required) Specify that the command reports the stored settings for the snapshot accounting and statistics collection.

You must specify -a or -s, or both arguments. If you do not specify at least one of these arguments you receive a warning message.

-y libraryName
(Optional) This parameter specifies the name of the library that contains the message flow for which statistics collection options are reported.

When you set this parameter, you must also set either the -f (message flow) parameter, or the -j (all message flows) parameter. To display statistics collection options for a named message flow in a specific library, set the -y and -f parameters. To display statistics collection options for all message flows in a library, set the -y and -j parameters.


Request a report for message flow "MyFlow1" in the integration server "default" for integration node "IntegrationNodeA" for both archive and snapshot statistics collection:
mqsireportflowstats IntegrationNodeA -s -a -e default -f MyFlow1
Request a report of the snapshot options that are currently stored for all message flows in all integration servers for integration node "IntegrationNodeA" :
   mqsireportflowstats IntegrationNodeA -s -g -j