mqsichangeflowstats command - Windows, Linux and UNIX systems
Use the mqsichangeflowstats command on Windows, Linux® and UNIX systems to control the accumulation of statistics about message flow operation.
- integrationNodeName
- (Required) Specify the label of the integration node for which accounting and statistics are to be changed.
- -a
- (Required) Specify that the command modifies archive accounting and statistics collection.
- -b AccountingOrigin
- (Optional) Specifies that the environment tree path Broker.Accounting.Origin is
used to partition the collected statistics into distinct outputs.
Possible values are:
- none - do not partition statistics according to accounting origin data
- basic - partition statistics according to accounting origin data
- -c Control
- (Optional) Specify the string value that controls the
level of the action to be applied to accounting and statistics collection
for snapshot or archiving. Possible values are:
- active - turn on snapshot or archiving
- inactive - turn off snapshot or archiving.
- -e integrationServerName
- (Required) Specify the name for the integration server, for which accounting and statistics options are to be changed.
- -f MessageFlow
- (Required) Specify the label for the message flow, for which accounting and statistics options are to be changed.
- -g
- (Required) Specifies that the command applies to all integration servers that belong to the integration node.
- -j
- (Required) Specifies that the command applies to all message
flows that belong to the integration server.
You must specify either -f or -j. If you do not specify one of these arguments you receive a warning message.
Note: If you set the -g option for all integration servers, you must use -j instead of -f. - -k applicationName
- (Optional) This parameter specifies the name of the application
that contains the message flow for which statistics are being collected.
When you set this parameter, you must also set either the -f (message flow) parameter, or the -j (all message flows) parameter. To collect statistics for a named message flow in a specific application, set the -k and -f parameters. To collect statistics for all message flows in an application, set the -k and -j parameters.
You can use this parameter with the -y (library name) parameter to specify that the message flow is contained in a library referenced by the application.
- -n NodeData
- (Optional) Specify a string value to modify the collection
of node statistics data for a message flow. Possible values are:
- none - exclude node related data in the statistics
- basic - include node related statistics in the statistics
- advanced - include node related and terminal related data in the statistics
- -o OutputFormat
- (Optional) Specify the output destination for the
statistics reports. You can specify multiple output destinations by
using comma-separated values. Possible values are:
- usertrace - this is the default and writes "bip" messages to usertrace, which can be post processed in the normal way using the mqsireadlog and mqsiformatlog commands
- xml - the statistics reports are generated as XML documents
and published by the integration node running the message
flow.The topic on which the data is published has the following structure.
- For publications on an MQ pub/sub broker:
$SYS/Broker/integrationNodeName/StatisticsAccounting/recordType /integrationServerName/message_flow_name
- For publications on an MQTT pub/sub broker:
IBM/IntegrationBus/integrationNodeName/StatisticsAccounting/recordType /integrationServerName/message_flow_name
- For publications on an MQ pub/sub broker:
- json - the statistics reports are generated in JSON
format, which enables the statistical information to be viewed in
the web user interface. If statistics collection is turned on in the
web user interface, the output format is changed to
. The topic on which the data is published has the following structure:$SYS/Broker/integrationNodeName/Statistics/JSON/SnapShot/isName/applications/MyApplication /libraries/MyLibrary/messageflows/MyFlowName
- csv - the statistics are converted to Comma Separated Value (csv) format and are written to a collection of rolling log files. The ComIbmStatsFileWriter resource manager can be used to configure the location, number, and size of these files, as well as specifying whether the statistics are enhanced with the calculation of mean averages before the file is written. See Parameter values for the statistics file writer component for more information about the properties of the ComIbmStatsFileWriter.
- -r
- (Optional) This parameter applies only to archive data
and specifies that archive data is to be reset.
This results in the clearing out of accounting and statistics data accumulated so far for this interval, and restarts collection from this point. All archive data for all flows in the integration server, or groups, is reset.
The archive interval timer is only reset if the -v option (statistics archive interval) of mqsicreatebroker or mqsichangebroker is non zero.
- -s
- (Required) Specify that the command modifies snapshot accounting and statistics collection.
- -t ThreadData
- (Optional) Specify a string value to modify the collection
of thread statistics data for a message flow Possible values are:
- none - exclude thread related data from the statistics
- basic - include thread related data in the statistics
- -y libraryName
- (Optional) This parameter specifies the name of the library that
contains the message flow for which statistics are being collected.
When you set this parameter, you must also set either the -f (message flow) parameter, or the -j (all message flows) parameter. To collect statistics for a named message flow in a specific library, set the -k and -f parameters. To collect statistics for all message flows in a library, set the -k and -j parameters.
mqsichangeflowstats IntegrationNodeA -s -g -j -b none -c active
mqsichangeflowstats IntegrationNodeA -s -g -j -c active -o xml,json
mqsichangeflowstats IntegrationNodeA -s -g -j -c active -o bluemix
mqsichangeflowstats IntegrationNodeA -a -e EGRP2 -f MyFlow1 -c inactive -t basic
mqsichangeflowstats IntegrationNodeA -s -g -j -c inactive