IBM® Integration Bus provides a facility
that allows you to connect to the Product Insights service
in IBM Cloud through a gateway.
About this task
Optionally, you can route connections from IBM Integration Bus to the Product Insights service through a gateway, which
enables you to use the facilities of the gateway to monitor and control
the traffic that is being sent from IBM Integration Bus to Product Insights. If you choose to use the Product Insights gateway, refer to the IBM Cloud Product
Insights documentation for information
about how to download and configure it.
If you would prefer
to connect to Product Insights through an
HTTP proxy server, see Configuring a connection to IBM Cloud Product Insights through an HTTP proxy server. For information
about connecting directly to the Product Insights service
without routing through a proxy server or gateway, see Configuring an integration server to send startup and usage information to IBM Cloud Product Insights.
For more information about Product Insights, see IBM Cloud Product Insights overview.
Follow these steps to enable your IBM Integration Bus integration servers to connect
to the Product Insights service through your
- Check that the -j parameter on the mqsichangebluemixreporting command
was used to configure your integration servers to route data through
the gateway host, rather than the API host, as described in Configuring an integration server to send startup and usage information to IBM Cloud Product Insights.
- Typically, the connection to the gateway from IBM Integration Bus is via HTTPS. You must configure IBM Integration Bus to trust the public certificate
of the gateway, as described in Setting up a public key infrastructure.
If the certificate of the gateway is not trusted (for example, it
is not signed by a public trust authority), you must import the gateway's
certificate into the integration server truststore. For example, you
could complete the following steps:
- Obtain the security certificate for the gateway.
For information about how to obtain a certificate for the Product Insights gateway, refer to the IBM Cloud Product
Insights documentation.
- Add the certificate to a JKS truststore
to be used by your integration server.
For example,
if the certificate is in a file called
you could create a JKS truststore by running the following command:
keytool -import -file gateway1-sscert.pem -keystore server.truststore -storepass passw0rd
This command creates a keystore file, with the name
specified by the -keystore parameter. The -storepass parameter
sets the password that must be used when accessing the generated keystore
file. The value specified by the -storepass parameter
must be the same as the value that you set in IBM Integration Bus through the -p parameter
of the mqsisetdbparms command
(in this example, passw0rd
The name of the
keystore file, specified by the -keystore parameter,
must match the value of the -v parameter specified
in the mqsichangeproperties command
in IBM Integration Bus. However, in the -keystore parameter
you specify only the filename (and it is created in the current working
directory), whereas the value that you specify in the mqsichangeproperties command
must contain the fully-qualified path, such as C:\devel\WBI\C2C\PI_Gateway\server.truststore
If you are using the Product Insights gateway,
refer to the IBM Cloud Product
Insights documentation
for information about how to replace the default self-signed certificates
with your company's certificates.
- Use the mqsichangeproperties command
to configure your integration server to use the JKS truststore, as
shown in the following example:
mqsichangeproperties myIntegrationNode1 -e myIntegrationServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n truststoreFile -v C:\devel\WBI\C2C\PI_Gateway\server.truststore
-v parameter
must contain the fully-qualified path to the Java truststore, which
contains the public certificates that the integration server requires
to establish trust with the gateway and any other services that it
will connect to directly.
- Configure your integration server to use the password for
this JKS truststore, as shown in the following examples:
mqsichangeproperties myIntegrationNode1 -e myIntegrationServer1 -o ComIbmJVMManager -n truststorePass -v myIntegrationServer1::truststorePass
mqsisetdbparms myIntegrationNode1 -n myIntegrationServer1::truststorePass -u user1 -p passw0rd
The value specified by the -v parameter
of the mqsichangeproperties command
must match the value specified by the -n parameter
of the mqsisetdbparms command.
The -u parameter of the mqsisetdbparms command is not
used in this case, and can be set to any value, such as user1.
- Restart the integration node for the changes to take effect,
by using the mqsistart command.
The configured integration servers will now connect to
the Product Insights gateway, and the startup
and usage information will be logged and routed on to the Product Insights service.
What to do next
You can use the mqsireportbluemixreporting command
to view the current startup and reporting configuration for the integration
server. For more information, see mqsireportbluemixreporting command.