You can use the mqsichangebluemixreporting command
to configure an integration server to connect to the IBM® Cloud Product
Insights service, and to send startup
and usage information to it.
About this task
You can use the mqsichangebluemixreporting command
to configure integration servers to send startup and usage information
to the Product Insights service in IBM Cloud. You can choose whether
to configure a specified integration server or all integration servers
on a specified integration node.
You can view the current configuration
that has been set for reporting startup and usage information, by
using the mqsireportbluemixreporting command.
The Product Insights service is notified each time
the configured integration servers start, and the startup and usage
data is gathered by the Product Insights service.
You can then use a dashboard in IBM Cloud to
view the startup and usage information for your integration servers,
including the CPU time and the number of active CPUs. For information
about how to view the information in the IBM Cloud dashboard, see Viewing integration server startup and usage information in IBM Cloud.
For more information about Product Insights, see IBM Cloud Product Insights overview.
- Run the mqsichangebluemixreporting command
from the host machine that is running your integration node (on premise)
to configure and activate the IBM Cloud reporting
For example, the following command specifies
an integration server called
a reporting interval of
minutes, and sets the
reporting state to
mqsichangebluemixreporting IBNODE -e myIntegrationServer1 -c active
-j -m 10
-k ag282f6-6jki-4984-8892-7356e196k0l7
-j parameter
specifies the API host for your region, where your data will be sent.
To find your API host, check the information that is specified in
the service credentials for your instance of
Product Insights, as described in
Configuring the IBM Cloud Product Insights service.
If you
choose to route the connection through the IBM Cloud Product
Insights gateway, use the -j parameter
to specify the URL of the gateway host rather than the API host. For
more information, see Configuring a connection to IBM Cloud Product Insights through a gateway.The -k parameter
specifies the API key, which you can also obtain by following the
instructions in Configuring the IBM Cloud Product Insights service.
You can
set the reporting status (-c) to active only
if valid values are specified (or have been specified previously)
for the -j apiHost (or -j gatewayHost) and -k apiKey parameters.
You can also choose to group instances of integration
servers according to their usage (such as testing and staging) and
view aggregated runtime usage data for the group, by specifying the -n groupname parameter.
more information about required and optional parameters, see mqsichangebluemixreporting command.
- Optional: You can override the host name that
the integration server reports to the Product Insights service,
by setting the MQSI_BLUEMIXREPORTING_HOSTNAME environment variable.
This can be useful if you are running the integration server in a
- Restart the integration server for the changes to take
When the reporting status is active, startup
and usage information for the specified integration server (or, if
the -g parameter was specified, for all integration
servers in the specified integration node) will be reported to the Product Insights service.
- Optional: You can turn off reporting at any
time by setting the -c parameter to inactive and
then restarting the integration node.
What to do next
If you want to route the startup
and usage information to
Product Insights through
either an HTTP proxy server or the
IBM Cloud Product
Insights gateway,
configure the connection by completing the steps in one of the following
You can view the information that has been reported to
the Product Insights service, by logging into
your IBM Cloud account and accessing
the information through the Product Insights dashboard,
as described in Viewing integration server startup and usage information in IBM Cloud.