Monitoring Jetty

The Jetty sensor is automatically deployed and installed after you install the Instana agent.

Support information

To make sure that the Jetty sensor is compatible with your current setup, check the following support information sections:

Supported versions and support policy

The following table shows the latest supported version and support policy:

Table 1. Latest supported version and support policy
Technology Support policy Latest version Latest supported version
Jetty 45 days 12.0.16 12.0.16

For more information about the support policy, see Support strategy for sensors.

Supported tracing

For this technology, Instana supports tracing. For more information, see Instrumented frameworks and libraries.

Enable JMX

If JMX is not enabled, the following message is displayed in the UI:

Jmx module is not enabled in jetty.
Please enable it to be able to collect data. You can do so by adding --module=jmx to start.ini.

For Jetty version 8 and lower, uncomment etc/jetty-jmx.xml in the start.ini file. Make sure that the jetty-jmx.xml is the first XML file listed in the list.

Metrics collection

To view the metrics, select Infrastructure in the sidebar of the Instana User interface, click a specific monitored host, and then you can see a host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.

Configuration data

  • Version
  • Start time
  • Queued Thread Pool (min/max threads)
  • Connectors
  • Web Apps
    • Name
    • Context Path
    • State
    • War File Path
    • Temporary Directory
    • Classpath

Performance metrics

To view the metrics, select Infrastructure in the sidebar of the Instana User interface, click a specific monitored host, and then you can see a host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.

Queued Thread Pool Stats

Metric Description Granularity
Idle Threads The total number of idle threads in the jetty pool. 1 second
Busy Threads The total number of busy threads in the jetty pool. 1 second
Total Threads The total number of threads (both idle and busy) in the jetty pool. 1 second
Threads Queue Size Queue size of the thread pool. 1 second

Web Apps

Metric Description Granularity
Active Sessions The number of active sessions for the web application. 1 second