Monitoring Active Directory (public preview)
After you enable the Microsoft Active Directory on the host, the Active Directory sensor is automatically installed. You can view metrics that are related to the Microsoft Active Directory sensor in the Instana UI after you configure Microsoft Active Directory sensor as outlined in the Configuring section.
See the following sections to learn how to monitor Active Directory:
Support information
Supported operating systems
The Microsoft Active Directory sensor supports the following operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Editions
Supported versions
The Instana agent supports the following Microsoft Active Directory version:
- Active Directory Schema version 88
The Active Directory sensor supports local monitoring of the Microsoft Active Directory
Local monitoring
Enable the Active Directory sensor to achieve local monitoring of Microsoft Active Directory. To enable the sensor, set the enabled
parameter to true
in the configuration.yaml
#Active Directory
enabled: false # To enable the sensor, set its value to ‘true’.
poll_rate: 30 #Default value is 10 seconds.
Viewing metrics
To view the metrics, complete the following steps:
- From the navigation menu in the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
- Click a specific monitored host.
You can view the host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.
The following metrics are available for Active Directory:
Metric | Description | Granularity |
LDAPbusyretries | Number of threads currently being used by the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) | 30 seconds |
LDAPAddOperations | Number of add operations by the LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPAddOperationsPersec | Number of Add operations per second by the LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPClientSessions | Number of connected LDAP client sessions | 30 seconds |
LDAPClosedConnectionsPersec | Number of LDAP connections closed in the last second | 30 seconds |
LDAPDeleteOperations | Number of delete operations by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPDeleteOperationsPersec | Number of Delete operations in the last second by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPModifyDNOperations | Number of modify Distinguished Name (DN) operations by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPModifyDNOperationsPersec | Number of modify DN operations in the last second by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPModifyOperations | Number of modify operations by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPModifyOperationsPersec | Number of modify operations in the last second by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPNewConnectionsPersec | Number of new connections by LDAP in the last second | 30 seconds |
LDAPSearchesPersec | Number of searches by LDAP in the last second | 30 seconds |
LDAPSuccessfulBindsPersec | Number of successful binds by LDAP in the last second | 30 seconds |
LDAPThreadsSleepingonBUSY | Number of LDAP busy threads that are sleeping | 30 seconds |
LDAPUDPoperationsPersec | Number of UDP operations in the last second by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPWritesPersec | Number of writes operations in the last second by LDAP | 30 seconds |
LDAPbatchslotsavailable | Number of LDAP batch slots available | 30 seconds |
LDAPActiveThreads | Number of LDAP threads that are active | 30 seconds |
ABANRPersec | The rate at which Address Book clients perform Ambiguous Name Resolution (ANR) operations | 30 seconds |
ABBrowsesPersec | The rate at which Address Book clients perform Browse operations | 30 seconds |
ABClientSessions | The number of connected Address Book client sessions | 30 seconds |
ABMatchesPersec | The rate at which Address Book clients perform find operations | 30 seconds |
ABPropertyReadsPersec | The rate at which Address Book clients perform property read operations | 30 seconds |
ABProxyLookupsPersec | The rate at which proxy clients perform search operations | 30 seconds |
ABSearchesPersec | The rate at which Address Book clients perform key search operations | 30 seconds |
DSClientBindsPersec | Number of ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this Domain Controller (DC) | 30 seconds |
DSClientNameTranslationsPersec | Number of ntdsapi.dll name translations per second serviced by this DC | 30 seconds |
DSDirectoryReadsPersec | Number of directory reads per second | 30 seconds |
DSDirectorySearchesPersec | Number of directory searches per second | 30 seconds |
DSDirectoryWritesPersec | Number of directory writes per second | 30 seconds |
DSMonitorListSize | The number of requests to be notified when objects are updated that are currently registered with this Directory System Agent(DSA) | 30 seconds |
DSNameCachehitrate | The percentage of directory object name component look ups that are satisfied out of the DSAs name cache | 30 seconds |
DSNotifyQueueSize | The number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsfromDRA | Percentage of directory reads coming from Directory Replication Agent (DRA) | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsfromNTDSAPI | Percentage of directory reads coming from NTDSAPI calls | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsfromSAM | Percentage of directory reads coming from Security Account Manager (SAM) | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsOther | Percentage of directory reads not coming from SAM/DRA/LDAP/LSA/XDS/KCC/NSPI | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromDRA | Percentage of directory searches coming from DRA | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromLDAP | Percentage of directory searches coming from LDAP | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromNTDSAPI | Percentage of directory searches coming from NTDSAPI | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromSAM | Percentage of directory searches coming from SAM | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesOther | Percentage of directory searches not coming from SAM/DRA/LDAP/LSA/XDS/KCC/NSPI | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromDRA | Percentage of directory writes coming from DRA | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromLDAP | Percentage of directory writes coming from LDAP | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromNTDSAPI | Percentage of directory writes coming from NTDSAPI | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromSAM | Percentage of directory writes coming from SAM | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesOther | Percentage of directory writes not coming from SAM/DRA/LDAP/LSA/XDS/KCC/NSPI | 30 seconds |
DSSearchsuboperationsPersec | Number of search sub-operations per second | 30 seconds |
DSSecurityDescriptorPropagationsEvents | Number of Security Descriptor Propagation Events that are queued but not yet processed | 30 seconds |
DSSecurityDescriptorPropagatorAverageExclusionTime | Average length of time the Security Descriptor Propagator spends waiting for exclusive access to data base elements during a Security Descriptor Propagation sub-operation | 30 seconds |
DSSecurityDescriptorPropagatorRuntimeQueue | Number of objects remaining to examine while processing the current Directory Services (DS) Security Descriptor Propagator Event | 30 seconds |
DSSecurityDescriptorsuboperationsPersec | Number of Security Descriptor Propagation sub-operations per second | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsfromKCC | Percentage of directory reads from KCC | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromKCC | Percentage of directory writes from KCC | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromKCC | Percentage of directory searches from KCC | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromLSA | Percentage of directory searches from LSA | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsfromLSA | Percentage of directory reads from LSA | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromLSA | Percentage of directory writes from LSA | 30 seconds |
DSPercentWritesfromNSPI | Percentage of directory writes from NSPI | 30 seconds |
DSPercentSearchesfromNSPI | Percentage of directory searches from NSPI | 30 seconds |
DSPercentReadsfromNSPI | Percentage of directory reads from NSPI | 30 seconds |
SAMAccountGroupEvaluationLatency | Security Accounts Manager(SAM) account group evaluation latency | 30 seconds |
SAMDisplayInformationQueriesPersec | SAM display information queries | 30 seconds |
SAMDomainLocalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPersec | SAM domain local group membership evaluation per second | 30 seconds |
SAMEnumerationsPersec | SAM enumerations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMGCEvaluationsPersec | SAM GC evaluations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMGlobalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPersec | SAM global group membership evaluations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMMachineCreationAttemptsPersec | SAM machine creation attempts per second | |
SAMMembershipChangesPersec | SAM membership changes per second | 30 seconds |
SAMNonTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPersec | SAM non transitive membership evaluations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMPasswordChangesPersec | SAM password changes per second | 30 seconds |
SAMResourceGroupEvaluationLatency | SAM resources group evaluation latency | 30 seconds |
SAMSuccessfulComputerCreationsPersecIncludesallrequests | SAM successful computer creations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMSuccessfulUserCreationsPersec | SAM successful user creations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMTransitiveMembershipEvaluationsPersec | SAM transitive membership evaluations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMUniversalGroupMembershipEvaluationsPersec | SAM universal group membership evaluations per second | 30 seconds |
SAMUserCreationAttemptsPersec | SAM user creation attempts per second | 30 seconds |