Installing the Host Agent on Docker
To install and configure the Instana host agent on Docker, you pull then run the Instana agent container image, and then install and run the Instana host agent as a privileged container.
Configuring the firewall and proxy
Before you install the agent, configure the firewall and proxy to allow the outbound network access.
You must configure the network as described in both Configuring firewall settings and Instana agent and sensor repositories sections.
Pulling the Instana agent container image
The Instana Agent image is available from the public IBM Cloud Container Registry at
In addition, dynamic and static Agent images are available from our Instana Container Registry at
. Log in with your agent key and pull the appropriate image:
docker login -u _ -p <agent_key>
# pull the dynamic image, powered by the Azul JDK
docker pull
# download the static image, powered by the Azul JDK
docker pull
# pull the dynamic image, powered by the OpenJ9 JDK
docker pull
# download the static image, powered by the OpenJ9 JDK
docker pull
Running the Instana agent container image
Docker powers a large number of platforms, like many Kubernetes-based services, DC/OS and others. Thus, the way to run the Instana Agent Docker image depends on the platform being used. Please refer to install the Instana host agent for the list of platforms where the Instana host agent can be installed.
What kind of containerized environment do you have?
You can also install the agent directly on the Linux Host, for example, if you have a specific image for your worker machines. Please note that any kind of container technology is currently only supported on Linux as the hosting OS (that means for example that Docker-Machine on Mac or Docker on Windows are not supported).
Upgrading the Instana agent container image
In some cases, you need to run the following command to manually update the Agent Container Image. Replace <your-architecture>
with one of amd64
, arm64
, s390x
or ppc64le
according to your architecture:
skopeo inspect docker://<your-architecture>-dynamic | jq '.Digest'
If you are running the OpenJ9 variant, run the following command:
skopeo inspect docker://<your-architecture>-dynamic-j9 | jq '.Digest'
Compare it with the one that you use on your installation. To check which Instana Agent docker image you have currently installed, go to Kubernetes > My Cluster > Namespaces > instana-agent, select one agent pod, select the instana-agent container, and then compare the Image SHA on the Docker dashboard.
If you are using Helm upgrade to the latest Helm chart:
helm pull --repo --untar instana-agent && kubectl apply -f instana-agent/crds && helm upgrade --repo instana-agent --reuse-values --set agent.image.tag=latest --set agent.image.pullPolicy=Always instana-agent
The Instana Helm chart deploys the instana-agent-operator internally, which then deploys the agent resources. This deployment is based on the agent custom resource (CR), which is created based on the Helm values. The operator pattern requires a custom resource definition (CRD) in the cluster before defining any custom resources. Therefore, the Helm chart includes the required CRD, which is deployed during the initial installations before submitting other artifacts. Currently, Helm can handle only the initial installations of CRDs and not their upgrade, deletion, and uninstallation. Because of this limitation, CRD updates are automatically submitted to the cluster only during the initial installation, and not during the upgrades. For more information on this limitation, see Custom Resource Definitions.
If you are using the Kubernetes Yaml delete the namespace and re-install the agent:
kubectl apply -f <your-instana-agent-daemonset.yaml>
If you have any questions contact support.
Installing by using custom containers
Instana provided Agent Docker containers are build according to the definition in the Instana Agent Docker project.
While not supported by Instana, there might be reasons to further customize our Agent images. We advise to use the Instana Agent Docker project as reference.
Sign in to the Instana UI, and then select an option to display the agent catalog; for example, on the home page, click Deploy Agent.
If you are starting a new trial instance of Instana, the agent catalog is displayed with a prompt to select a host agent to install.
Click the tile Docker
(Optional) If you want the host agent to be part of a custom agent zone, enter the name for the agent zone. If you enter a name in the Agent zone field, the line
--env="INSTANA_AGENT_ZONE=<agent_zone>" \
is added to the agent deployment code. -
Copy and then use the agent deployment code to run the Instana agent as a privileged container:
The Instana UI provides the agent deployment code as follows:
sudo docker run \ --detach \ --name instana-agent \ --volume /var/run:/var/run \ --volume /run:/run \ --volume /dev:/dev:ro \ --volume /sys:/sys:ro \ --volume /var/log:/var/log:ro \ --privileged \ --net=host \ --pid=host \ --env="INSTANA_AGENT_ENDPOINT=<the_host_agent_endpoint>" \ --env="INSTANA_AGENT_ENDPOINT_PORT=<the_host_agent_endpoint_port>" \ --env="INSTANA_AGENT_KEY=<your_instana_agent_key>" \ --env="INSTANA_AGENT_DOWNLOAD_KEY=<your_instana_agent_download_key>" \
Your agent key, download key, and host agent endpoint are pre-populated in the agent deployment code.
When the host agent is running, the agent log is available by using the following command:
docker logs instana-agent
Checking the status of the host agent
After you install the host agent, you can check the status of the host agent in the Instana UI or on the host. For more information, see Checking the status of the host agent.
Agent Configuration
In addition to the required environment variables, additional variables can be configured during startup:
Variable Name | Required | Default Value | Comment |
INSTANA_AGENT_KEY | Yes | N/A | Your Instana agent key. |
INSTANA_AGENT_ENDPOINT | Yes | N/A | The host agent endpoint. |
INSTANA_AGENT_ENDPOINT_PORT | Yes | N/A | The host agent endpoint port. |
INSTANA_AGENT_ZONE | No | N/A | The zone name of the host. |
INSTANA_AGENT_TAGS | No | N/A | Comma-separated list of host tags. |
INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY | No | N/A | Your Instana download key. |
INSTANA_AGENT_UPDATES_VERSION | No | N/A | Pin the Sensor versions to a specific SHA. For more information, see Updates and version pinning. |
INSTANA_AGENT_UPDATES_FREQUENCY | No | DAY | Control the frequency at which Sensor updates are fetched. For more information, see Updates and version pinning. |
INSTANA_AGENT_UPDATES_TIME | No | 04:30 | Control the time at which Sensor updates are fetched. For more information, see Updates and version pinning. |
INSTANA_AGENT_PROXY_HOST | No | N/A | The hostname/address of a proxy. |
INSTANA_AGENT_PROXY_PORT | No | N/A | The port of a proxy. |
INSTANA_AGENT_PROXY_PROTOCOL | No | N/A | The proxy protocol, such as http . |
INSTANA_AGENT_PROXY_USER | No | N/A | The username of the proxy auth. |
INSTANA_AGENT_PROXY_PASSWORD | No | N/A | The password of the proxy auth. |
INSTANA_AGENT_PROXY_USE_DNS | No | false | Boolean if the proxy also does DNS. |
INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_REPOSITORY | No | N/A | Git remote URL to be used by the host agent for Git-based configuration management. The variable must be set if INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_BRANCH is set. |
INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_BRANCH | No | N/A | Git remote branch to be tracked by the host agent for Git-based configuration management. The variable must be set if INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_REPOSITORY is set. |
INSTANA_REPOSITORY_PROXY_ENABLED | No | N/A | Enable overriding proxy settings specifically for Sensor updates. |
INSTANA_REPOSITORY_PROXY_HOST | No | N/A | The hostname/address of a proxy for the Maven Sensors repository. |
INSTANA_REPOSITORY_PROXY_PORT | No | N/A | The port of a proxy for the Maven Sensors repository. |
INSTANA_REPOSITORY_PROXY_PROTOCOL | No | N/A | The proxy protocol for the Maven Sensors repository. |
INSTANA_REPOSITORY_PROXY_USER | No | N/A | The username of the proxy auth for the Maven Sensors repository. |
INSTANA_REPOSITORY_PROXY_PASSWORD | No | N/A | The password of the proxy auth for the Maven Sensors repository. |
INSTANA_MVN_REPOSITORY_URL | No | N/A | The host name of the Maven repository for dynamic agent & sensor bundle downloads. For more information, see Configuring agent repository mirror). |
INSTANA_MVN_REPOSITORY_FEATURES_PATH | No | N/A | The Maven repository path for feature updates. For more information, see Configuring agent repository mirror). |
INSTANA_MVN_REPOSITORY_SHARED_PATH | No | N/A | The Maven repository path for agent and sensor bundle updates. For more information, see Configuring agent repository mirror). |
AGENT_RELEASE_REPOSITORY_MIRROR_URL | No | N/A | The URL of the agent release repository mirror. For more information, see Configuring the agent repository as the mirror). |
AGENT_RELEASE_REPOSITORY_MIRROR_USERNAME | No | N/A | The username to access the agent release repository mirror. For more information, see Configuring the agent repository as the mirror). |
AGENT_RELEASE_REPOSITORY_MIRROR_PASSWORD | No | N/A | The password to access the agent release repository mirror. For more information, see Configuring the agent repository as the mirror). |
INSTANA_SHARED_REPOSITORY_MIRROR_URL | No | N/A | The URL of the shared repository mirror. For more information, see Configuring the agent repository as the mirror). |
INSTANA_SHARED_REPOSITORY_MIRROR_USERNAME | No | N/A | The username to access the shared repository mirror. For more information, see Configuring the agent repository as the mirror). |
INSTANA_SHARED_REPOSITORY_MIRROR_PASSWORD | No | N/A | The password to access the agent features repository mirror. For more information, see Configuring the agent repository as the mirror). |
The main configuration files can be mounted into the /root
directory, and will be copied in place once the agent tarball is unpacked.
Overriding agent configuration with volume mounts
It is possible to swap out agent configuration files by using the Docker volume feature. The agent's configuration.yaml
provided with the image defines default values and might not be overwritten. It might be extended
by custom configuration snippets named configuration-<custom-extension>.yaml
like this:
--volume <host-path>/configuration-<custom-extension>.yaml:/opt/instana/agent/etc/instana/configuration-<custom-extension>.yaml
One example use case would be to have a configuration-mysql.yaml
for the MySQL credentials and add this configuration file during container start.
# Mysql
user: 'mysqlAdmin'
password: 'mysqlSecretPassword'
docker run volume mount
--volume /opt/instana-agent/etc/instana/configuration-mysql.yaml:/opt/instana/agent/etc/instana/configuration-mysql.yaml
Configuring multiple backends
The Instana host agent can be configured to report to multiple backends. For general considerations and notes about the configuration, see Configuring multiple backends.
The Instana host agent container images are specially configured so that adding extra backends can be easily done by mounting the backend files, such as com.instana.agent.main.sender.Backend-2.cfg
An example argument for a containerized agent is as follows:
--mount type=bind,source=<path-to-additional-backend-config>,target=/opt/instana/agent/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.sender.Backend-2.cfg
Configuring agent repository mirror
When you provide your own agent repository mirror the dynamic agent needs to be configured using INSTANA_MVN_REPOSITORY_URL
environment variables. Please see the example in the agent repository mirror documentation for information on which values to configure.
Agent proxy settings
The Instana Agent reaches out to two different endpoints; our backend system for sending all collected data, and a repository for fetching Agent and Sensor updates. Both can (separately) be configured for using proxy settings. There are 3 options:
No proxy settings for both endpoints - no need to configure any proxy settings
Same proxy settings for both backend and repository - only need to configure the 'Agent' proxy settings
Different proxy settings for backend and repository - configure both proxies separately and make sure to set
For example, in case you only need to configure a proxy for the repository, use the following configuration:
- Set all
variables to""
(empty string). - Set
- Set all
to the proxy configuration as needed.
- Set all
The same applies the other way around, when only needing a proxy for the backend and not the repository.
Updates and version pinning
environment variables, you can control whether the agent sensor versions get pinned to a specific
version. This enables you to control when new updates are fetched.
See Agent Configuration documentation for more information about these settings.
parameter are:
(for daily updates)MONDAY
Multiple options can be supplied, separated by a colon.
Enabling GPU monitoring
The following Nvidia Graphic Cards are supported.
Brand | Model |
Tesla | S1070, S2050, C1060, C2050/70, M2050/70/90, X2070/90, K10, K20, K20X, K40, K80, M40, P40, P100, V100 |
Quadro | 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, M2070-Q, K-series, M-series, P-series, RTX-series |
GeForce | varying levels of support, with fewer metrics available than on the Tesla and Quadro products |
Supported OS: Linux.
- Minimum Docker version 19.03.
- Latest official Nvidia drivers are installed. Drivers installed through package managers are not sufficient.
- NVIDIA Container Toolkit is installed.
To enable GPU monitoring, start the Instana agent container on one or more GPUs. The agent can be started as a privileged container.
The agent collects metrics for all the system-wide available GPUs which are supported regardless of how many GPU(s) the agent is running.
For a detailed list of the collected metrics, see our GPU docs.
There are several ways to start the agent container using GPUs:
- to start on all available GPUs, provide the
--gpus all
flag. - to start on the exact number of GPUs, provide the
--gpus <number of gpus to use>
flag. - to start on desired GPUs, provide the
--gpus '"device=<gpu1-uuid>,<gpu2-uuid>"'
Troubleshooting agent deployment
If installing the agent is not successful at first, you can check log messages and troubleshooting tips. If this troubleshooting section does not answer the questions you have, contact the IBM Instana support team with information about your experience, so that we can help you and update our documentation accordingly.
For troubleshooting information that is general to all host agents, see Managing host agents / Troubleshooting.