Monitoring Snowflake (public preview)

After you install the Instana agent, the Snowflake sensor is automatically installed and deployed. You can view metrics that are related to the Snowflake sensor in the Instana UI.

Supported versions

Instana now supports monitoring the metrics and configuration data for Snowflake 8.39.2.


The Instana agent uses the following configuration to connect to the Snowflake account. You can update the configuration in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml to monitor one or more Snowflake accounts:

    - account: '' # account ID
      url: '' # account url
      user: ''
      password: ''
      role: ''
      warehouse: '' # default warehouse to run queries to extract metrics
      poll_rate:  # default poll_rate in seconds is 3600
      availabilityZone: ''

To access the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema that the Snowflake sensor uses by default for monitoring account metrics, a user must have a role with the necessary privileges, such as the ACCOUNTADMIN role or a role that is granted by an ACCOUNTADMIN user. You can also create a custom role and grant privileges to access the schema.

Viewing metrics

To view the metrics, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu in the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
  2. On the Map tab, select your Snowflake account.
  3. To open the Snowflake account dashboard, click Open Dashboard.

You can view the account dashboard with the following metrics and configuration data.

Configuration data

You can view the following configuration data on the dashboard:

  • Account name
  • Organization
  • Region
  • Version

Key performance indicators

The following table outlines the key indicators for the Snowflake sensor:

Data point Description Granularity
Hourly Credit Usage Total credit usage of the account per hour. 1 hour
Storage Bytes Total storage bytes that are used in the past 24 hours. 1 hour
Query Executed Count Total number of queries that are executed in the past 24 hours. 1 hour
Bytes Scanned Average number of bytes that are scanned for query execution in the past 24 hours. 1 hour
Average Bytes Spilled to Local Storage Average number of bytes that were written to the local storage in the past 24 days. 1 hour
Average Bytes Spilled to Remote Storage Average number of bytes that were written to the remote storage in the past 24 days. 1 hour
Longest Running Queries List of top 10 queries with highest execution time in the past 24 hours. 1 hour
Storage, Stage and Failsafe Bytes Total storage, stage, and failsafe bytes in the past 24 hours. 1 hour

Warehouse credit usage metrics

The following table outlines the metrics for the Snowflake sensor:

Data point Description Granularity
Compute Credits Total number of credits that are used for the warehouse in the past 24 hours. 1 hour
Cloud Services Credits Total number of credits that are used for cloud services in the past 24 hours. 1 hour
Total Credits Total number of credits that the warehouse used in the past 24 hours. 1 hour

Due to additional costs from background services, concurrency scaling, storage, and other factors total credits usage might differ from the sum of compute credits and cloud services credits.

Login details metrics

The following table outlines the login metrics for the Snowflake sensor:

Data point Description Granularity
Login Attempts Total successful and failed login attempts in the past 24 hours. 1 hour

Only the following metrics are available in Snowflake sensor 1.0.0: Hourly Credit Usage, Warehouse Credit Usage, Bytes Scanned, Query Executed Count, and Storage Bytes.