Monitoring IBM MQ Managed File Transfer
After you install the Instana host agent, IBM MQ Managed File Transfer (MFT) sensor is automatically installed, but you need to configure IBM MQ MFT sensor as outlined in this topic. Then, you can view metrics that are related with IBM MQ MFT in the Instana UI.
Supported information
Supported operating systems
The supported operating systems of IBM MQ MFT sensor are consistent with host agents requirements, which can be checked in the Supported operating systems section of each host agent, such as Supported operating systems for Linux.
Supported IBM MQ MFT versions and platforms
Instana supports metrics and configuration data for IBM MQ MFT 9.0.0 or later, which are installed in all the platfroms that are supported by IBM MQ MFT. See IBM MQ components and features.
- Instana supports only remote monitoring for single instance and multiple instances. Each Instance is for each Coordination Queue Manager that can be from the traditional IBM MQ environment or IBM Cloud Pak for Integration deployment in OpenShift.
- Tracing is not supported.
Support information and version
The IBM MQ MFT versions supported on Instana are listed in the following table:
Sensor | Support policy | Latest version | Last supported version |
IBM MQ MFT | On demand | 9.3 | 9.3 |
To collect the remote monitoring data of IBM MQ MFT, you need to configure the following fields in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
as follows:
The MFT sensor instance connects to coordination queue manager and command queue manager by using the server connection channels. Make sure that the configurations are correct. You can verify by adding the remote queue managers from IBM MQ explorer,
and ensure that connections can be successful. The instance name needs to follow the <COORDINATION_QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME>-<HOST>
format. Otherwise, the instance will be ignored and not monitored.
See the following configurations in <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
# IBM MQ Managed File Transfer
enabled: true
poll_rate: 10 # Default is 10 seconds
# transfer_expired_interval: 10 # How long recent completed transfers are retained in minutes.(optional)
name: '<INSERT_COORDINATION_QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME_HERE>' # Coordination queue manager name
host: '<INSERT_HOST_HERE>' # Coordination Queue Manager host
port: '<INSERT_PORT_HERE>' # Remote server connection channel port
channel: '<INSERT_CHANNEL_HERE>' # Remote server connection channel
username: '<INSERT_USERNAME_HERE>' # User ID to connect to the remote queue manager (optional)
password: '<INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE>' # User password to connect to remote queue manager (optional)
keystore: '<INSERT_KEYSTORE_PATH_HERE>' # Keystore path for TLS connection (required only when TLS is enabled)
keystorePassword: '<INSERT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_HERE>' # Keystore password for TLS connection (required only when TLS is enabled)
cipherSuite: '<INSERT_CIPHER_SUITE_HERE>' # TLS cipher suite for TLS connection (required only when TLS is enabled)
name: '<INSERT_COMMAND_QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME_HERE>' # Command queue manager name
host: '<INSERT_HOST_HERE>' # Command Queue Manager host
port: '<INSERT_PORT_HERE>' # Remote server connection channel port
channel: '<INSERT_CHANNEL_HERE>' # Remote server connection channel
username: '<INSERT_USERNAME_HERE>' # User ID to connect to the remote queue manager (optional)
password: '<INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE>' # User password to connect to remote queue manager (optional)
keystore: '<INSERT_KEYSTORE_PATH_HERE>' # Keystore path for TLS connection (required only when TLS is enabled)
keystorePassword: '<INSERT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_HERE>' # Keystore password for TLS connection (required only when TLS is enabled)
cipherSuite: '<INSERT_CIPHER_SUITE_HERE>' # TLS cipher suite for TLS connection (required only when TLS is enabled)
IBM MQ MFT sensor does not support local binding when you connect to the IBM MQ queue manager. If no user and password are specified in the configuration.yaml
file, the user that is used depends on the IBM MQ queue manager configuration.
For more information about the user ID that is used by a server connection channel, see Access control for clients.
Viewing metrics
To view the metrics, select Infrastructure in the sidebar of the Instana console, and locate IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Zone.
To view the metrics, complete the following steps:
- In the sidebar of the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
- Click IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Zone.
Then, you can find the monitored Managed file transfer (MFT) instances for configured coordination queue manager if your configuration is correct.
Coordination queue manager
Configuration data
Coordination Queue Manager Details | Description |
Coordination Queue Manager | Name of coordination Queue Manager |
Host | Host of coordination Queue Manager |
Performance metrics
Coordination Queue Manager Metric | Description |
Current Transfers | Count of current transfers after this sensor instance is activated |
Total Transfers | Count of current transfers after this sensor instance is activated |
Successful Transfers | Count of successful transfers within last polling interval |
Failed Transfers | Count of failed transfers within last polling interval |
Partially Successful Transfers | Count of partially successful transfers within last polling interval |
MFT agent
Configuration data
MFT Agent Details | Description |
Type | Agent type |
Time Zone | Agent Time Zone |
Max Source Transfers | The maximum number of concurrent transfers that the source agent processes at any point in time |
Max Destination Transfers | The maximum number of concurrent transfers that the destination agent processes at any point in time |
Max Queued Transfers | The maximum number of pending transfers that can be queued by an agent until the agent rejects a new transfer request |
Name | The name of MFT agent |
Queue Manager | The queue manager name that MFT agent connects to |
Start Time(UTC) | The started timestamp in UTC when agent starts |
Performance metrics
MFT agent metric | Description |
Source Transfers | The count of source transfers through the agent. |
Destination Transfers | The count of destination transfers through the agent. |
Status | The status of the MFT agent. |
Running Transfers | The count of current running transfers through the agent. |
Total Current Transfers | The count of total running transfers through the agent. |
Total Timed Out Transfers | The count of total timedout transfers through the agent. |
Total Retrying transfers | The count of total retrying transfers through the agent. |
Total Transfers Waiting For Agent Capacity | The count of total transfers that are waiting for agent capacity. |
Current File Transfer
Configuration data
MFT Transfer details | Description |
Transfer ID | The transfer ID |
Started Time | The timestamp when the transfer starts |
Source Agent | The name of the agent on the system where the source file is located |
Source QueueManager | The name of the queue manager that the source agent connects to |
Destination Agent | The name of the agent on the system that you want to transfer the file to |
Destination QueueManager | The name of the queue manager that the destination agent connects to |
Originator | The originator who triggers the transfer |
Status | The current status of the transfer |
Current File | The source path of the file that is being transferred |
Progress | The transferring progress. For example, 2 files need to be transferred. If the first file has been transferred, the progress is shown as 1/2 . Then, if the first file transfer has finished and the second file transfer starts,
the progress is shown as 2/2 . |
Performance metrics
MFT Transfer Metric | UI display | Description |
elapsedSeconds | Time elapsed(s) | Number of seconds that are taken to transfer those bytes |
statsTransferredBytes | Transferred(b) | Number of bytes that are copied so far |
bytesSent | Bytes Sent | Number of bytes that are copied so far |
currentItem | See Note 1 | The index of the current item that is being transferred |
totalItems | See Note 1 | The total number of items that is being transferred |
currentItemSize | Total(b) | Number of total bytes of the current item |
MFT monitor
Configuration data
MFT monitor Details | Description |
Monitor | The name of the monitor, which is unique for this agent |
Agent | The name of the agent where the resource monitor is defined |
Status | The state of the monitor |
Resource | The resource or resources that are monitored |
Trigger Event | Condition when the transfer that is associated with the monitor is triggered |
File Pattern | The match pattern of file name |
Batch Size | The maximum number of trigger matches that are included in a single batch |
Poll Interval | The time interval between each check of the resource against the trigger condition |
Built-in events
You might see the following events:
IBM MQ MFT agent is not started or unreachable
When an agent is not in
state, this event is triggered and associated to the corresponding agent. -
IBM MQ MFT monitor is not started
When a MFT resource monitor is not in
state, this event is triggered and associated to the corresponding monitor. -
IBM MQ File Transfer Failed
When a file transfer fails for any reason, this event is triggered and shown in the corresponding coordination queue manager.