Lambda function configurations, metrics, versions, and triggers
Instana collects HTTP attributes, triggers, and metrics and version details for all your Lambda functions.
For more information about how to view these metrics and version details in the Instana UI, see Viewing Lambda function configurations, metrics, versions, and triggers.
Configuration data
Lambda function details | Description |
Name | The name of the function. |
ARN | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the function. |
Description | The user-provided description. |
Runtime | The runtime environment for the Lambda function. |
Handler | The function Lambda calls to begin running your function. |
Timeout | The maximum duration in seconds that the function is allowed to run before Lambda stops it regardless of the outcome. |
Memory Size | The memory size (in megabytes) that you configured for the function. |
Last Modified | The timestamp of the last time you updated the function. |
AWS Region | The location of the function. |
Layers | The AWS Lambda layers that are configured for this function. |
Environment Variables | The list of environment variables configured for this function (subject to secrets redaction). |
Function metrics
Function metrics | Description |
Invocations | The number of times a function is started in response to an event or invocation API call. This number includes successful and failed invocations, but does not include throttled attempts. This measure equals the billed requests for the function. |
Errors | The number of invocations that failed due to errors in the function (response code 4XX). The errors include:
Dead Letter Errors | The number of times when Lambda is unable to write the failed event payload to your configured Dead Letter Queues. This failure might be caused by the following reasons:
Throttles | The number of Lambda function invocation attempts that were throttled due to invocation rates that exceed the customer’s concurrent limits (error code 429). |
The elapsed time from when the function code starts running as a result of an invocation to when it stops running. The maximum data point value possible is the function timeout configuration. The billed duration is rounded up to the nearest 100 milliseconds. |
Iterator Age
The age of the last record for each batch of records processed. Age is the difference between the time Lambda received the batch, and the time the last record in the batch was written to the stream. Emitted for stream-based invocations only (functions that are triggered by an Amazon DynamoDB stream or Kinesis stream). |
Post Runtime Extensions Duration
The cumulative amount of time that the AWS Lambda runtime spends running code for extensions after the function code completes. |
Global metrics
Global metrics | Description |
Concurrent Executions
Emitted as an aggregate metric for all functions in the account and for functions that have a custom concurrency limit specified. Measures the sum of concurrent executions for a function at a specific time. |
Unreserved Concurrent Executions | Emitted as an aggregate metric for all functions in the account only. Represents the sum of the concurrency of the functions that do not have a custom concurrency limit specified. |
HTTP call attributes, API Gateway, and Lambda proxy integration
Instana captures detailed HTTP attributes for Lambda executions that are triggered by a trigger of type API Gateway or application load balancer. This process includes extracting the URL, path templates, the status code, query parameters, and other attributes. The standard endpoint extraction uses these attributes too.
However, for the API Gateway calls, HTTP attributes are captured only if the API Gateway method in AWS is set to use Lambda Proxy integration. After the creation of the methods, you can check them by inspecting the Integration Request field
on the API Gateway configuration page. If the field displays Type: LAMBDA PROXY
, the API Gateway calls uses the Lambda Proxy integration.
This constraint does not apply to application load balancer triggers.
If triggers are defined for the Lambda function, they are displayed in the sidebar with links that point to the associated AWS service. For more information, see Invoking Lambda functions. Native Lambda tracing captures extra metadata for the following triggers:
Trigger | Metadata | Supported in Lambda runtimes |
API Gateway | HTTP method, URL, Path Template, Query Parameters, and Headers[^2] | Java, Node.js, Python, and Go |
Application Load Balancer | HTTP method, URL, Query Parameters, and Headers[^2] | Java, Node.js, Python, and Go |
CloudWatch Event | Event Resources | Java, Node.js, Python, and Go |
CloudWatch Logs | Log Groups, Log Stream, and Log Events | Java, Node.js, Python, Go |
S3 | S3 Event Name, Bucket Name, and Object Key | Java, Node.js, Python, and Go |
SQS | SQS Queue ARN | Java, Node.js, Python, and Go |