Business monitoring
Business monitoring provides proactive monitoring of business processes and is available in Instana SaaS and Instana Self-Hosted Standard and Custom editions.
You can monitor business processes that are running in the following business automation tools:
- IBM Business Automation Workflow
- IBM Business Automation Manager Open Edition (also known as Red Had Process Automation Manager or JBoss jBPM)
- Camunda
The Instana host agent automatically detects and extracts running business processes and activities on those platforms. For more information about installing Instana agents, see Installing Instana agents.
Business automation (also known as business process management or BPM) tools are used by many companies to automate repetitive steps of their business processes. Such business processes can consist of workflows with automated or human-involved steps. A business process (for example, Standard HR Open New Position) might contain many activities (for example, GM Approval of a new request). With Business Monitoring, Instana can now show users when a business process or activity is affected by an IT problem.
Business Monitoring dashboard
The Business Monitoring dashboard provides two tabs:
- Perspectives tab
- Processes tab
The Perspectives tab displays a list of business perspectives that are created by the user. You can view your current perspectives with the descriptions, number of related processes, and IT health. IT health is calculated based on whether any IT alerts are impacting the IT architecture that supports any business processes.

Click Create perspective to create a new business perspective. The new business perspective Wizard is an interactive, simple way to create a perspective. It has two steps:
- Specify the perspective's model by selecting the tag filters to identify the processes to include
- Provide the final details to finish the creation

The Processes tab displays a proactive view of detected business processes. The Business processes table includes columns for the number of process instances that are started, the number of activities that comprise the business process, and the process' IT health. Use the Filter to filter the list of processes by building a tag query.
You do not need to configure the Business Monitoring dashboard because Instana generates this dashboard automatically when the Instana agent detects any running supported BPM tools.

Viewing details for a business perspective
To view business perspective details, complete the following steps:
- Click the Perspectives tab of the Business Monitoring dashboard.
- Click the name of the perspective to view its details.
- You can view the included business processes that comprise the perspective in the Business processes tab.
- You can edit the filter, name, and description for a business perspective in the Configuration tab.

Viewing details for a business process
To view business process details, complete the following steps:
- Click the Process tab of the Business Monitoring dashboard.
- Click the name of the process to view its details.
The Summary on the business process details page displays the following information:
- The current number of instances the business process started.
- The total number of errors (IT issues) affecting services the process relies on.
- A count chart of started instances of the process over time.
- The top activities of the process, according to the following selectable metrics:
- Mean latency
- Call count
- Erroneous call rate
- Any changes in the infrastructure that supports the process.
- An errors chart that shows the number of errors over time, which affect the services that the process relies on.
- A distribution chart shows the latency of calls within the business process over time, with selectable aggregations.
To see specific invocations of the business process and details on the instance calls and full traces, click Analyze Instances.
To view issues that are related to the IT architecture that supports the business process, click Issues.

Viewing details for a business activity
On the business process details page, you can see the Activities tab, which contains a list of all activities that support the selected business process.

Select an activity to view the business activity details page on the Summary tab that contains the following details:
- The current number of instances the activity started.
- The total number of errors (IT issues) affecting services the activity relies on.
- A count chart of started instances of the activity over time.
- The top services of the activity, according to the following selectable metrics:
- Mean latency
- Call count
- Erroneous call rate
- An infrastructure chart that shows changes and issues to services that support the activity.
- An errors chart that shows the number of errors over time, which affect the services that the process relies on.
- A distribution chart shows the latency of calls within the activity over time, with selectable aggregations.
- An activity duration chart (over time and distribution).
The business activity details page also contains a Services tab, which contains a list of all services that support the selected business activity.

BPM in unbounded analytics
You can use unbounded analytics to filter and group BPM calls. By default, if you click Analyze Instances on the Business process dashboard, then all invocations of that process are selected and grouped by Root Process Instance ID, which represents a single invocation of the process.

BPM in the events page
If business processes rely on an affected entity, the list of business processes that are impacted by the event is displayed on the Event page on the Events dashboard. For more information on how to configure and use events, see Managing events and alerts.

Configuring Business Monitoring
The Instana agent automatically detects and extracts running business processes and activities when deployed on a host that runs the supported BPM tools.
You can configure Instana to capture and store more business data from the business processes. To configure the Instana agent to capture such data, the data field names need to be added to <instana-agent-dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
For example, the following extract is used to configure the capture of data from the IBM Business Automation Workflow sample application “Standard HR Open New Position”:
- HiringManager
- EmploymentStatus
- Department
- Location
- GMApproval