Creating an Elasticsearch data store on Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE
Install the Elasticsearch operator and set up the data store.
Before you begin
Make sure that you prepared your online and offline host to pull images from the external repository. Also, ensure that you added the Helm repo.
For more information, see Preparing to install data store operators.
Installing the Elasticsearch operator online
Complete these steps to install the Elasticsearch data store.
Create the
namespace.kubectl create namespace instana-elastic
Create image pull secrets for the
namespace. Update the<download_key>
value with your own download key.kubectl create secret docker-registry instana-registry --namespace instana-elastic \ --docker-username=_ \ --docker-password=<download_key> \
Install the Elasticsearch operator.
helm install elastic-operator instana/eck-operator -n instana-elastic --version=2.14.0 --set --set image.tag=2.14.0_v0.14.0 --set imagePullSecrets[0].name=instana-registry
Create a YAML file, for example
, with the Elasticsearch configuration.apiVersion: kind: Elasticsearch metadata: name: instana spec: image: version: 7.17.24 nodeSets: - name: default count: 3 config: false bootstrap.system_call_filter: false node.master: true true node.ingest: true false podTemplate: spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: instana-registry # Add the following securityContext snippet for Kubernetes offerings other than OCP. # securityContext: # fsGroup: 1000 # runAsGroup: 1000 # runAsUser: 1000 volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: elasticsearch-data # Do not change this name unless you set up a volume mount for the data path. spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 20Gi http: tls: selfSignedCertificate: disabled: true
Complete the steps in Deploying and verifying Elasticsearch (online and offline).
Installing Elasticsearch offline
If you didn't yet pull the Elasticsearch images from the external registry when you prepared for installation, you can pull them now. Run the following commands on your bastion host. Then, copy the images to your Instana host that is in your air-gapped environment.
docker pull
docker pull
Complete the following steps on your Instana host.
Retag the images to your internal image registry.
docker tag <internal-image-registry>/elasticsearch/eck-operator:2.14.0_v0.14.0 docker tag <internal-image-registry>/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.17.24_v0.11.0
Push the images to your internal image registry on your bastion host.
docker push <internal-image-registry>/operator/elasticsearch:2.14.0_v0.14.0 docker push <internal-image-registry>/datastore/elasticsearch:7.17.24_v0.11.0
Create the
namespace for the Elasticsearch instances.kubectl create namespace instana-elastic
Optional: Create an image pull secret if your internal image registry needs authentication.
kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret_name> --namespace instana-elastic \ --docker-username=<registry_username> \ --docker-password=<registry_password> \ --docker-server=<internal-image-registry>:<internal-image-registry-port> \ --docker-email=<registry_email>
Install the Elasticsearch operator. If you created an image pull secret in the previous step, add
--set imagePullSecrets[0].name="<internal-image-registry-pull-secret>"
to the following command.helm install elastic-operator eck-operator-2.14.0.tgz -n instana-elastic --version=2.14.0 --set image.repository=<internal-image-registry>/operator/elasticsearch --set image.tag=2.14.0_v0.14.0
Create a YAML file, for example
, with the Elasticsearch configuration.apiVersion: kind: Elasticsearch metadata: name: instana spec: image: <internal-image-registry>/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.17.24_v0.11.0 version: 7.17.14 nodeSets: - name: default count: 3 config: false bootstrap.system_call_filter: false node.master: true true node.ingest: true false podTemplate: spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: <internal-image-registry-pull-secret> # Add the following securityContext snippet for Kubernetes offerings other than OCP. # securityContext: # fsGroup: 1000 # runAsGroup: 1000 # runAsUser: 1000 volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: elasticsearch-data # Do not change this name unless you set up a volume mount for the data path. spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 20Gi http: tls: selfSignedCertificate: disabled: true
Complete the steps in Deploying and verifying Elasticsearch (online and offline).
Deploying and verifying Elasticsearch (online and offline)
To deploy the Elasticsearch instance and create the data store, complete the following steps:
Deploy Elasticsearch. By default, a user by the name
is created with a random-generated password.kubectl apply -f elastic.yaml -n instana-elastic kubectl wait elasticsearch/instana --for=condition=ReconciliationComplete --timeout=300s -n instana-elastic
Retrieve the password.
kubectl get secret instana-es-elastic-user -n instana-elastic -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode}}' && echo
Store the retrieved password in the
as shown in the following piece of code. Replace <RETRIEVED_FROM_SECRET> with the password that you got in the previous step.datastoreConfigs: ... elasticsearchConfig: adminUser: elastic adminPassword: <RETRIEVED_FROM_SECRET> user: elastic password: <RETRIEVED_FROM_SECRET>
Verify the Elasticsearch operator deployment.
kubectl get all -n instana-elastic
If the Elasticsearch operator is deployed successfully, the command output shows the operator status as
as shown in the following example:NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/elastic-operator-0 1/1 Running 1 (10m ago) 10m pod/instana-es-default-0 1/1 Running 0 6m44s pod/instana-es-default-1 1/1 Running 0 6m44s pod/instana-es-default-2 1/1 Running 0 6m44s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/elastic-operator-webhook ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 10m service/instana-es-default ClusterIP None <none> 9200/TCP 6m46s service/instana-es-http ClusterIP <none> 9200/TCP 6m48s service/instana-es-internal-http ClusterIP <none> 9200/TCP 6m48s service/instana-es-transport ClusterIP None <none> 9300/TCP 6m48s NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/elastic-operator 1/1 10m statefulset.apps/instana-es-default 3/3 6m48s