Migrating from a single-node deployment to a multi-node deployment

You can convert your single-node production cluster to a multi-node cluster with three nodes. Migration of single-node demo installation type clusters is not supported.

Prepare your hosts

To your existing single-node cluster, add two more hosts of the same platform and operating system as the current host.

Then, complete the migration by following these steps:

  1. On all the three hosts, make sure that the ports are open.

  2. On all the three hosts, configure private IP addresses.

  3. On the two new hosts, make sure to check the Kernel parameters.

  4. On the two new hosts, check the required packages and environment variables.

  5. On all the three nodes, configure Secure Shell.

  6. Shut down Self-Hosted Standard Edition on the current host.

    stanctl down

Move the disks from the old host to the new host

For more information about how the storage directories are used in a multi-node cluster, see Storage requirements.

During migration, you unmount three disks from your old host and then mount them on your new host (node1 (instana-1)).

If your hosts are deployed in a cloud environment, follow the instructions that are provided by the cloud provider for mounting and unmounting the paths. For example, for AWS EC2, see Amazon EBS volume lifecycleExternal link icon.

The following example steps are for unmounting and mounting the paths in a non-cloud environment.

  1. On the old host (node0 (instana-0)), unmount the data, analytics, and metrics paths.

    umount /dev/vdb  /mnt/instana/stanctl/analytics
    umount /dev/vdc  /mnt/instana/stanctl/metrics
    umount /dev/vde  /mnt/instana/stanctl/data
  2. Remove the three disks from the old host (node0 (instana-0)).

  3. On the new host node1 (instana-1), add the three disks from (node0 (instana-0)).

  4. On node1 (instana-1), create the data, analytics, and metrics directories. For more information, see Create the directories.

  5. Mount the data, analytics, and metrics paths on node1 (instana-1). See the commands for node1 (instana-1) in Add mount paths.

  6. Complete the steps on node1 (instana-1) as given in sections Verify the mount paths and Mount the file systems.

Migrate Standard Edition to the new cluster

On the old host (node0 (instana-0)), run the following command to start the migration:

stanctl up --multi-node-migrate

Enter the details at the prompts:

? Enter the IPs for all three nodes, separated by commas (the 1st one is for backend, the 2nd one is for datastore, e.g.,,

After a few minutes, your data is migrated to the new hosts. Standard Edition is now deployed on the multi-node cluster.