Docker-based data store setup
For small to medium installations, you can set up a database host by using instana-console
. All required data store instances are run as Docker images on a single host.
Supported operating systems
The supported operating systems are listed in the Supported OS section.
Supported Docker versions
The supported Docker versions are the same as in the Supported Docker versions section of Instana backend on Docker.
The prerequisites for the Docker-based data store setup are the same as in the Prerequisites section of Self-Hosted Classic Edition (Docker).
Minimum requirements
The machine where you want to install the Docker-based data store must have at minimum 12 CPUs and 10 GB available memory. This is the lowest limit and only recommended for small installations.
Installing the Instana package
To install the Instana package on your machine, use the following installation steps:
As root, run the following command to add the repo, replacing <download_key>
with your download key:
export DOWNLOAD_KEY="<download_key>"
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/instana-archive-keyring.gpg] generic main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/instana-product.list
cat << EOF > /etc/apt/auth.conf
login _
password $DOWNLOAD_KEY
wget -nv -O- --user=_ --password="$DOWNLOAD_KEY" | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/instana-archive-keyring.gpg
Installing instana-console
apt update -y
apt install -y instana-console
To avoid getting major updates during automated upgrades, run the following commands:
cat > /etc/apt/preferences.d/instana-console <<EOF
Package: instana-console
Pin: version <version to pin>
Pin-Priority: 1000
Red Hat/CentOS
As root, run the following command to add the repo, replacing <download_key>
with your download key:
export DOWNLOAD_KEY="<download_key>"
cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/Instana-Product.repo
Installing instana-console
yum clean expire-cache -y
yum update -y
yum install -y instana-console
If the versionlock plug-in is not installed on your host, run the following command to install the plug-in.
yum install python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock
To avoid getting major updates during automated updates, run the following command:
yum versionlock add instana-console
Configuring db-settings.hcl
The db-settings.hcl
file is the configuration file for the setup process.
All directories must be on separate disks for performance reasons.
type = "single-db"
host_name = "<IP-accessible-from-the-k8s-cluster>"
dir {
metrics = "/mnt/metrics" // data dir for metrics
traces = "/mnt/traces" // data dir for traces
data = "/mnt/data" // data dir for any other data
logs = "/var/log/instana" // log dir
docker_repository {
base_url = ""
username = "_"
password = "<Your-agent-key>"
Missing values like DB credentials are generated and will be added to the settings.hcl
file automatically.
instana-console Commands
For initial setup of the host, run the following command:
instana datastores init -f /path/to/db-settings.hcl
To stop all database containers, run the following command:
instana datastores stop
To start all database containers, run the following command:
instana datastores start
To update images to the version determined by the currently installed version of instana-console
, run the following command:
instana datastores update -f /path/to/db-settings.hcl
To generate a complete settings.hcl
file of an existing installation, run the following command:
instana datastores settings