Monitoring Tuxedo applications
After you install the Instana agent, the Tuxedo application sensor is automatically installed. The Tuxedo sensor supports only local monitoring, so you must install the Instana agent on the host where the Tuxedo application performance data files are located. You can view metrics that are related to the Tuxedo applications in the Instana UI after you configure Tuxedo application sensor as outlined in the Configuring section.
The Tuxedo application sensor monitors Tuxedo applications by extracting data from topology file, Service Broker Project, and Tuxedo Service performance data files. To collect monitoring data from the Tuxedo applications, set values for the
following parameters in the <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
agent configuration file:
#Tuxedo Application
enabled: true
poll_rate: 120 # The metrics poll rate in seconds.
timeZoneServiceBroker: 'GMT' # The time zone that is used for the reporting time of the Service Broker Project log data. The default value is 'GMT'.
timeZoneTuxedoService: 'GMT' # The time zone that is used for the reporting time of the Tuxedo Service performance data. The default value is 'GMT'.
availabilityZone: 'Tuxedo Application Performance' # The default availability zone of the Tuxedo application.
topology: '' # The directory where topology data files are located.
serviceBrokerCallLog: '' # The directory where Service Broker Project log files are located.
tuxedoPerf: '' # The directory where Tuxedo performance files are located.
batchSizeServiceBroker: 400 # Indicates how many Service Broker Project log files will be handled in each thread.
batchSizeTuxedo: 4000 # Indicates how many Tuxedo performance files will be handled in each thread.
Adjusting the batch size and poll rate
The Tuxedo sensor uses multithreads to monitor the performance files and Thread Monitors multi files. If the sensor does not complete parsing the files within the set poll rate, an error message similar to the following example is displayed
in the <agent_install_dir>/data/log/agent.log
2023-06-16T18:19:08.531+08:00 | WARN | instana-executor-thread-2-11 | okerDataProvider | com.instana.sensor-tuxedoapp - 1.0.0 | 547531ms is taken to parse files, which is longer than the current poll rate 300000ms. You are suggested to increase the poll rate or reduce the batch size of Service Broker Project files.
2023-06-16T18:18:59.200+08:00 | WARN | instana-executor-thread-2-2 | xedoDataProvider | com.instana.sensor-tuxedoapp - 1.0.0 | 538200ms is taken to parse files, which is longer than the current poll rate 300000ms. You are suggested to increase the poll rate or reduce the batch size of Tuxedo Service files.
If you encounter this error, increase the poll rate or reduce the batch size of performance files.
Support information and versions
The Tuxedo Application versions supported on Instana are listed in the following table:
Sensor | Support policy | Last supported version |
Tuxedo Application | On demand |
Viewing metrics
To view the metrics, complete the following steps:
- Select Infrastructure in the sidebar of the Instana UI.
- Locate the availability zone that you defined in the configuration file. If availability zone is not specified in the configuration file, the availability zone is set to
Tuxedo Application Performance
by default, - Click the application in the availability zone.
You can view the following details and metrics in the dashboard.
Tuxedo application
You can view details of the Tuxedo application and metrics.
The details of the Tuxedo application are listed in the following table:
Application details | Description |
Application Name | Name of the domain that uniquely identifies the Application |
Performance metrics
The Tuxedo application metrics are listed in the following table:
Application metric | Description |
numOfSBrokerProjects | Number of Service Broker Projects |
numOfTuxSvcs | Number of Tuxedo services |
sbp_avgResTime | The average response time of Service Broker Projects |
sbp_preCallTime | The average time that the Service Broker spent on pre-call processing |
sbp_callTime | The average roundtrip service call time of Service Broker Projects |
sbp_postCallTime | The average time that the Service Broker spent on post-call processing |
sbp_throughput | The throughput of the Service Broker Projects |
sbp_errors | The errors per second for a particular time interval (poll rate) that occur to the Service Broker Projects |
ts_avgResTime | The average response time of Tuxedo Services |
ts_throughput | The throughput of the Tuxedo Services |
Tuxedo Service
You can view details of the Tuxedo service and metrics.
The details of the Tuxedo service are listed in the following table:
Tuxedo Service details | Description |
tsName | The name of Tuxedo Service |
Performance metrics
The Tuxedo service metrics are listed in the following table:
Machine metric | Description |
countLessHalf | The number of transactions that take less than 0.5 second to complete |
countHalfAndOneHalf | The number of transactions that take between 0.5 second and 1.5 seconds to complete |
countOneHalfAndThree | The number of transactions that take between 1.5 second and 3 seconds to complete |
countThreeAndFive | The number of transactions that take between 3 second and 5 seconds to complete |
countGreaterFive | The number of transactions that take more than 5 seconds to complete |
avgResTime | The average response time |
throughput | The throughput |
Tuxedo Server
You can view details of the Tuxedo server and metrics.
The details of the Tuxedo server are listed in the following table:
Tuxedo Server details | Description |
server | The name of Tuxedo Server |
release | The release of Tuxedo Service |
host | The hostname |
Performance metrics
The Tuxedo server metrics are listed in the following table:
Tuxedo Server details | Description |
avgResTime | The average response time |
throughput | The throughput |
Service Broker Project
You can view the details and metrics of Service Broker Project.
The details of Service Broker Project are listed in the following table:
Service Broker Project details | Description |
sbpName | The name of Service Broker Project |
Performance metrics
The Service Broker Project metrics are listed in the following table:
Service Broker Project details | Description |
avgResTime | The average response time |
preCallTime | The average time that the Service Broker spent on pre-call processing |
callTime | The average roundtrip service call time of Service Broker Projects |
postCallTime | The average time that the Service Broker spent on post-call processing |
throughput | The throughput |
errors | The errors per second for a particular time interval (poll rate) |
rsfu | The average payload of the FML response |
rqfu | The average payload of the FML request |
Service Broker
You can view the details and metrics of Service Broker.
The details of Service Broker are listed in the following table:
Service Broker details | Description |
serviceBroker | The name of Service Broker |
Performance metrics
The Service Broker metrics are listed in the following table:
Service Broker details | Description |
avgResTime | The average response time |
throughput | The throughput |
rsfu | The average payload of the FML response |
rqfu | The average payload of the FML request |