Monitoring TIBCO BW

The TIBCO BusinessWorks (BW) sensor supports only local monitoring. To use the TIBCO BW sensor, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Instana agent on the machine that hosts the TIBCO BW server.
  2. Configure your TIBCO BW server to enable process monitoring and process statistics collection.

When completed, you can view the TIBCO BW metrics in the Instana UI.

Supported information

Supported TIBCO BW versions and platforms

Instana supports metrics and configuration data for TIBCO BW 6.5.0 and 6.10.x. The supported platform is Linux 7.x 64-bit on x86-64 and 8.x 64-bit on x86-64.

The Tibco Business Works versions supported on Instana are listed in the following table:

Sensor Support policy Latest version Last supported version
Tibco Business Works 45 days 6.10.x 6.10.x

Supported operating systems

The supported operating systems of TIBCO BW sensor are the same as the Supported TIBCO BW platforms for TIBCO BW sensor.


The TIBCO BW sensor is enabled by default. The default poll rate of metrics is 60 seconds. You can change the poll rate in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml:

  enabled: true
  poll_rate: 60  # seconds

You can change enabled to false if you want to disable the TIBCO BW sensor.

Configuring TIBCO BW

To enable process monitoring and process statistics collection, you must configure your TIBCO BW. For more information, see Enable Process Monitoring and Enabling and Disabling Process Statistics.

Viewing metrics

To view the metrics, go to Infrastructure in the Instana UI sidebar, choose your TIBCO BW monitored host, then click the TIBCO BW AppNode slice, and finally click Open Dashboard. There you can see a TIBCO BW AppNode dashboard with all the collected metrics for the selected TIBCO BW AppNode.


The following tables list the configuration and metric details of the TIBCO BW AppNode:

Configuration data

AppNode details Description
Process ID PID of the AppNode process
AppNode Name Name of the AppNode
AppSpace Name Name of the AppSpace where the AppNode is located
Domain Name Name of the domain where the AppNode is located
BW_HOME Home directory of TIBCO BW
Uptime Uptime of the AppNode

Performance metrics

AppNode metric Display name Description
threads Active Threads Number of active threads
percCPU CPU Used (%) Percentage of used CPU
percMem Memory Used (%) Percentage of used memory
totMem Total memory Total memory in bytes
usedMem Used Memory Used memory in bytes
freeMem Free Memory Free memory in bytes

TIBCO BW App Instance

The following tables list the configuration and metric details of the TIBCO BW App Instance:

Configuration data

App Instance details Description
Application Name Name of the application
Version Version of the application

Performance metrics

App Instance metric Display name Description
created Created Total Jobs Created
running Running Total Active Jobs
faulted Faulted Total Jobs Faulted
cancelled Cancelled Total Jobs Cancelled
scheduled Scheduled Total Jobs Scheduled for execution
pagedout Pagedout Total Jobs Pagedout

TIBCO BW process

The following tables list the configuration and metric details of the TIBCO BW process:

Configuration data

Process details Description
Process Name Name of the process
Application Name Name of application
Application Version Version of the application
Module Name Name of the module
Module Version Version of the module

Performance metrics

Process metric Display name Description
created Created Total ProcessInstance Created
completed Completed Total ProcessInstance Completed
suspended Suspended Total ProcessInstance Suspended
failed Failed Total ProcessInstance Failed
totExec Total Execution Time Total Execution Time in milliseconds
avgExec Average Execution Time Average Execution Time in milliseconds
recntExec Most Recent Execution Time Most Recent Execution Time in milliseconds
minExec Min Execution Time Min Execution Time in milliseconds
maxExec Max Execution Time Max Execution Time in milliseconds
totElap Total Elapsed Time Total Elapsed Time in milliseconds
avgElap Average Elapsed Time Average Elapsed Time in milliseconds
recntElap Most Recent Elapsed Time Most Recent Elapsed Time in milliseconds
minElap Min Elapsed Time Min Elapsed Time in milliseconds
maxElap Max Elapsed Time Max Elapsed Time in milliseconds


The following tables list the configuration and metric details of the activity:

Configuration data
Activity details Description
Name Name of activity
Performance metrics
Activity metric Display name Description
created Created Number of activity instances created
faulted Faulted Number of activity instances faulted
totExec Total Execution Time Total Execution Time in milliseconds
minExec Min Execution Time Min Execution Time in milliseconds
maxExec Max Execution Time Max Execution Time in milliseconds
totElap Total Elapsed Time Total Elapsed Time in milliseconds
minElap Min Elapsed Time Min Elapsed Time in milliseconds
maxElap Max Elapsed Time Max Elapsed Time in milliseconds


Remove the warning message Monitoring issue: jvm_attach_generic from the AppNode dashboard.

This message is displayed when the Instana agent cannot correctly attach the AppNode process. To fix it, make sure that the Instana agent is using the same Java virtual machine (JVM) version as TIBCO BW. For example, if TIBCO BW. 6.5.0 uses Java Runtime Engine (JRE) 1.8, the Instana agent must be started with a JDK 1.8.

You cannot use JRE from TIBCO BW for your Instana agent because it lacks the library that is used for JVM attaching.