Monitoring Redis Enterprise
The Redis Enterprise sensor is automatically deployed and installed after you install the Instana agent.
In order to enable in depth metric monitoring, you need to inform the Agent about the credentials to access monitoring information via the <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
enabled: true
host: 'https://localhost' # node address where Redis Enterprise cluster is running
port: '9443' # node port
email: '' # email for Redis Enterprise web UI user
password: '' # password for Redis Enterprise web UI user
Redis Enterprise Node - Metrics collection
Configuration data
- Name
- Version
- Address
- Status
- Operating System
- Shard Count
- Cores
- Total Memory
- Cluster Name
Support information and versions
The Redis Enterprise versions supported on Instana are listed in the following table:
Sensor | Support policy | Latest version | Last supported version |
Redis Enterprise | 45 days | 7.4 | 7.4 |
Performance metrics
- Requests
- Latency
- Connections
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Requests (ops/sec) | Request rate handled by endpoints on node (ops/sec) total_req . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Latency | The average latency of requests handled by endpoints on node avg_latency . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Connections | The number of clients connected to endpoints on node conns . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
User | CPU time portion spent by users-pace processes cpu_user . |
1 second |
System | CPU time portion spent in kernel cpu_system . |
1 second |
Idle | CPU idle time portion cpu_idle . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Free | Free memory in node free_memory . |
1 second |
Available | Available memory in node available_memory . |
1 second |
Provisional | Amount of memory available for new shards on this node, taking into account overbooking, max redis servers, reserved memory and provision and migration thresholds provisional_memory . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Ingress | Rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) ingress_bytes . |
1 second |
Egress | Rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) egress_bytes . |
1 second |
- Slow Log (It is possible to search through history of snapshots up to one month.)
Redis Enterprise Cluster - Metrics collection
Configuration data
- Name
Performance metrics
- Key Hits
- Evicted Objects
- Connections
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Hits | Number of key hits (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Misses | Number of key misses (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Expired | Number of expired keys (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Evicted | Number of evicted keys (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Used | Used memory (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
User RSS | Used memory RSS (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Lua Heap Size | Lua scriptin heap size (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Connections | The number of client connections (aggregated from all databases). | 1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Name | Node name. | 10 minutes |
UID | Cluster unique ID of node uid . |
10 minutes |
Version | Installed Redis Labs cluster software version software_version . |
10 minutes |
Shard count | Number of shards on the node shard_count . |
10 minutes |
Status | Node status (active, provisioning, decommissioning, down) status . |
10 minutes |
Connected clients | The number of clients connected to endpoints on node conns . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
UID | Cluster unique ID of shard uid . |
10 minutes |
DB UID | The ID of bdb this shard belongs to bdb_uid . |
10 minutes |
Role | Role of this shard (master, slave) role . |
10 minutes |
Status | The current status of the shard (active, inactive, trimming) status . |
10 minutes |
Key hits | The number of key hits (aggregated read and write hits). | 1 second |
Key misses | The number of key misses (aggregated read and write misses). | 1 second |
Expired keys | The number of expired keys expired_objects . |
1 second |
Evicted keys | The number of evicted keys evicted_objects . |
1 second |
Memory used | Memory used by shard (in bigredis this includes flash) used_memory . |
1 second |
Memory Lua Heap Size | Redis lua scripting heap size mem_size_lua . |
1 second |
Memory Used RSS | Resident set size of this shard used_memory_rss . |
1 second |
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Name | Database name name . |
10 minutes |
UID | Cluster unique ID of database uid . |
10 minutes |
Big Store | Database bigstore option bigstore . |
10 minutes |
Status | Database lifecycle status (pending, active, active-change-pending, delete-pending, import-pending, creation-failed, recovery status . |
10 minutes |
Key hits | The number of key hits (aggregated read and write hits). | 1 second |
Key misses | The number of key misses (aggregated read and write misses). | 1 second |
Expired keys | The number of expired keys expired_objects . |
1 second |
Evicted keys | The number of evicted keys evicted_objects . |
1 second |
Memory used | Memory used by shard (in bigredis this includes flash) used_memory . |
1 second |
Memory Used RSS | Resident set size of this shard used_memory_rss . |
1 second |
Connections | The number of client connections to DB's endpoints conns . |
1 second |
Latency | The average latency of operatoins on the DB (microsecond) avg_latency . |
1 second |